Community Member
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 @ 04:36pm
New Avvie + Profile
I am finally back on form, I have just gotten this really cute avvie and a nice profile which doesn't eva go wrong, not like the normal gaia ones which go down on on top of the other and not next and under each other. I have left th box which shows what I'm wearing so you can see the names and prices of the items if you want. Thank you to all those who have donated! *This includes Tocadisco, I Wubs U, romeoandhisjet and some others whose names escape me right now. Thank you* So thank you! Note: If you have any spare gold, please do donate, I am in real need of your donations right now and will try to pay you back once I become more wealthy. Also, those who see this entry to my Journal, please comment here about my lookup; tell me about all the ups and downs and if you want, you may suggest clothes for my avvie, which is forever under construction. I would also like to thank Asyanica for suggesting that I join Gaia in the first place; it rocks! Thank you!