0. what's you're name? james
1. How much gold do you have right now? 5,020
2. How much gold would you like to have? as much as possible
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz? Yah.
4. Why are you doing this quiz? boredm
5. Do you have a dream avi? 3 lolz
6. Are you questing for anything? alot
7. Do you like gaias layout? no complaints
8. Do you like gaia? totaly
9. What's your favorite gaia game? electric love factorie and cards
10. Do you go on forums much? no not really idk anybody and my mom told me not to talk to strangers lol
11. Have you donated anything before? yea
12. Are you in a guild? nope
13. What's your favorite food? Uhm... ? ugh...fish,sushi,pasta,etc.etc...
14. What's your favorite course at a meal? ugh the main course???
15. What's your favorite beverage? COFFEE
16. What's your favorite letter? d
17. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
18. Black or White? white
19. Black or Yellow? Black
20. Demonic or Angelic? Angelic
21. Tv or Computer? Computer
22. iPod or mp3 player? iPod
23. iPod or cd-player? iPod
24. Animation or Cartoon? Animation
25. Beach House or Island retreat? i want the island but it has to be surrounded by lava
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot? Donator i guess
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles? Las Angeles
28. New Zealand or New England? New zealand
29. Australia or America? Australia
30. Superhero or being normal? superhero
31. Gold or items? Gold
32. Girl or Boy? Gurl
33. Are you famous? totaly... not
34. What color is your hair? dirty blondish
35. Are you a boy or a girl? im a man!!!
36. Are you wearing a hat? No
37. Are you wearing socks? no
38. What clothes are you wearing? im nude jk pants a marilyn manson tee and underwear outside my jeans cuz i can pull that off
39. Do you like this quiz? fun when bored and i am so yea
40. How old are you? 15
41. Are you happy with that age? Yah
43. What continent do you live in? North America
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched? PORN
45. Is this quiz earning you a lot of gold? Idk
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate? my church's fear factor challenge i dont want to know what it was
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? stretching like mr.fantastic (wink) (wink)
48. Are you sitting near a cactus? no
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be? my birth
50. what's the craziest thing you've ever done? i dont want to tell -shivers-
51. Are you an animal person? luv em but not like that
52. How many people do you have in your family? alot
53. How many pets do you have? now only 1... dillan R.I.P
54. What grade are you in? 10th
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in? umm its 8:30 thats all i no
56. What's your favorite pop product? monster java
57. What's your favorite flavor? COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE
58. Do you hate the dentist? no i love my gums being stabbed rolleyes
59. Do you hate the doctor? yes especially sport physicals gonk pm me 4 more info
60. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? not anymore
61. Are you wearing a hat? im not gay sry if that offends anyone
62. Have you ever had lice? yea right now -itch- jk
63. Do you have a cellphone? yea
64. Do you have any siblings? nope thx godz
65. Does anyone beside you in your family go on gaia? Nope
66. Is this quiz long? Yea!!
67. Is it long enough for you? a little stare
68. Do you like school? Not really
69. Do you like homework? hates it grrr homework grrr
70. Do you like your teacher(s)? Nope
71. How many gaia accounts do you have? 3
72. Are you happy with that number? no
73. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair? Yes when i was sleeping damn polar bears
74. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe? yea
75. Ever get gum stuck on anything? everywhere count
76. Do you have a iPod? no
77. Would you rather be a child or an adult? Child
78. Is this quiz boring you to death? Not really
79. Is this quiz worth it? No
80. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it? no never enterd
81. Do you have a trading pass? Yeah
82. Do you have a shop? profiles 4 gold i makum beastly
83. Do you like cookies? yea
84. Do you like pickles? omfg i love them its like eating the jolly green giants very small p***s... jk lol
85. Do you like milkshakes? yea mostly banana
86. Do you like ice cream? Yea but not neopolitan
87. Ever had sushi? Yes mmm
88. Ever had octopus? Yes mmm
89. Do you drink alcohol? Not since i found god
90. Are you a grammar freak? nopes i gots no probums wif gramwurs
91. Would you consider yourself rich? heck no
92. Would you consider yourself poor? No upper middle class i guess
93. Do you keep up with gaia news? No except 4 announcments
94. Do you keep up with trends in fashions? nope i dress um how i like um not how you do
95. What's a tv show you watched when you were little? rurouni kenshin
96. Do you like bugs? yea i guess if there makin ink 4 me lol
97. What's your most memorable quote? procrastination's like masturbation your only F,N yourself lol
98. What's your most memorable moment? i dont know
99. When's the farthest back you remember? i was 3 catching tadpoles and i thought they needed more mud in their cup so i filled it up all the way and buried them not knowing what i was doing
100. What's your favorite book? the maximum ride series awsum series
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