Anime/Manga Review: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya |

This week's anime/manga review is The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa. It is currently a series of mangas and novels. It was later on adapted into a 14 episode anime from April 2, 2006 – July 2, 2006. This anime is very well known in Japan because the main characters (Kyon, Yuki, Haruhi, Mikuru, and Itsuki) doing a dance called Hare Hare Yukai (happy happy sunshine). Here is the summary( from wikipedia.org and animenewsnetwork.com):
On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Haruhi Suzumiya introduces herself as having "no interest in ordinary humans". She asks for any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers to join her. Kyon(human) a guy who sits in front of Haruhi is the only person who is able to talk to her. When Kyon comments about Haruhi's joining every club in school and then quitting Haruhi gets an idea to start her own after school club. Kyon and several others,Yuki Nagato(alien), Mikuru Asahina(time traveler), and Itsuki Koizumi(esper) find themselves dragged, literally, into the "Save our world by Overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi's Brigade" (the S.O.S. Brigade for short). Except for Kyon, Yuki, Mikuru, and Itsuki are secret agents of various organizations who are sent to observe Haruhi. They explain that Haruhi has superhuman powers that she can change reality based on her feelings. Haruhi is unaware of such power. Whenever Haruhi becomes bored or otherwise dissatisfied with reality, she subconsciously creates a new universe—one more to her liking—and attempts to switch over, thus leading to the destruction of the current universe. In order to prevent this, the members of Haruhi's club spend their time attempting to keep their god-like leader entertained, hold her powers in check, and maintain the illusion of a normal life. *Important Note*: Even though Haruhi is the main character, all of this is told from Kyon's point of view.
My Comment: This anime is very interesting, but a little bit confusing. The reason why is because they weren't aired in nonlinear order( in other words, the episodes weren't in order). So my friend told me the episodes in proper order and here they are:
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 5 Episode 10 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 4 Episode 7 Episode 6 Episode 8 Episode 12 Episode 11 Episode 9
I like how they showed what Kyon is thinking. Most of this thoughts are funny. I also like the character designs and in the japanese verson, they hired very good voice actors. And also I like the Hare Hare Yukai dance as well. It is very fun to do( even though im pretty much a beginner at the dance).
My ratings Out of 5 heart s: Storyline: heart heart heart out of 5 Art and Character Designs: heart heart heart heart heart out of 5 Originality and Creativity: heart heart heart heart heart out of 5
Overall Rating (out of 10 heart s):
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya by Nagaru Tanigawa gets: heart heart heart heart heart heart heart out of 10
This anime is very good, but there are a few things that i don't get though. But other than that, I really like this anime. biggrin

splashdream14 · Sun Mar 22, 2009 @ 03:51pm · 0 Comments |