Total Value: 245,235 Gold
After Exclusions: 198,680 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Western Zodiac
Blue Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Blue Stripes Right Arm Tattoo
Blue Stripes Left Arm Tattoo
Majestic King
Gift of the Goddess
Devoted Pawn
Hakuun Hakama
Summoning Tome
Holy Gauntlets
Angelic Wind
Rules for THE GAME:
RULE 1: You are playing The Game.
RULE 2: Whenever you think about The Game, you lose.
RULE 3: Loss must be announced.
-If you think about The Game, you Lose The Game.
-You just lost The Game. (refer to previous rule)
-When one claims that they have Won The Game, they actually think of The Game, in turn making them lose The Game.
-Whenever you Win The Game, you automatically Lose The Game. (see above)
-You cannot say, "I meant to Lose." No one EVER intends to Lose The Game.
-Upon Losing The Game, one must announce to humanity that they have, in fact, Lost The Game.
-If you are asked about The Game, you MUST explain The Rules of The Game.
-There is no such thing as a winning streak in The Game.
-Once informed of The Rules of The Game, you cannot stop playing The Game.
-Destroying the Death Star will not make the game go away.
-Wearing your hair in a style like your favorite manga hero will not make the game go away, no matter how ridiculous the hairstyle.
-The only escape that has been hypothesized is death, however no conclusion has been found as no one has come back to tell the tale.
-Experimenting on whether or not dying causes one to completely Lose the Game is not advisable as death seems to be permanent.
-Another way to escape the Game is to have multiple personalities, and whenever one thinks of The Game, use one of the others.
-The appropriate response to being told you've lost the game is "SON OF A b***h! I'VE LOST THE GAME!"
-Reading this article results in immediate Loss of The Game.
Bumble Bee
I'm in heaven (when you kiss me)
To Nowhere
Wake up people
99 Red Balloons.