OK SO HERE IS THE 8TH PART. i love posting stories up.
we sat in silence for a while longer. The clock on Seth night stand read 12:00am.
"Crap!" I muttered under my breath.
"What now Mia?" Seth asked angered by the disturbance.
"Mrs. Benkins does a midnight check on everyone rooms every night" My face turned pale under the poorly lit room.
"Yeah that can be a problem" He said while hopping off the bed.
"Duh Mr. Smarty. Now help me think of a plan!" I shouted in frustration.
"Calm down Mia, I'm no master mind" He said while locking the door to his room.
"Master Mind! That just gave me and idea" I was getting excited over my little plan. "You can "feel" if she is coming, or you can look into the future and see if she is on her way." I really hoped my plan would work.
"Yeah thats a brilliant plan" He said sarcastically "Just one tiny problem with that. I'm NOT A PHYSIC" He shouted in anger.
"Just try!" I yelled back, I can feel my self growing red with anger.
"Stupid its not going to work" He try to protest longer but than he gave in. "Fine I will give it a try" he said giving up.
"Thank you" I said politely.
"Oh now shes nice" he muttered under his breath.
He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. He brought his fingers to his brow and rubbed them in concentration. Impatient with waiting I broke the silence.
"Well........ Anything?" I asked making him lose concentration.
"shush" He hissed.
I was going to say something, but decided against it. I slumped down into the bed and waited instead.
"Mia! I got it!" Seth finally said breaking out of his little pose. It felt like hours.
"Really? What did you see?" I said sitting myself up.
"I saw................. I saw how stupid and a waste of time this is. I'm not getting anything" He complained.
"Your not concentrating hard enough" I yelled "Your not even trying your best."
"Thats not fair!" Seth stopped short, The handle to the door slowly moved.
"Ah its her" I yelled in a whisper.
"Run!" Seth mouthed the words.
I looked all over the place, there was no where to run to and no where to hide.
"Hurry. Shes picking the lock!" He spoke louder this time.
*click* she had picked the lock. Having no chance of escaping I dove under the bed and prayed that she wouldnt find me there.
"Seth!" she growled "What are you doing up?" She was wearing her pink pajamas again, and her curls were a mess as usual.
"I heard something. I thought it was a rat, but no it was just you." He said chuckling a little.
"Excuse me...... What did you just say?" her face turned pink.
I was under the bed trying hard not to laugh.
"Well its the truth you woke me up" He added ruefully.
Ouch..... I thought from under the bed, that was a bit harsh.
"Dont you dare talk to me like that" Mrs. Benkins said straightening up in the small room, making her self look bigger. Guess what she looked bigger, almost like a bear.
"Well then you better stop being a b***h" Seth spat back at her.
She was raging with anger and total embarrassment, Her face was read, and her curls were sticking on ends.
I was still laughing up a storm underneath the bed, trying hard not to be heard.
"Is that anyway to talk to your aunt?"
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I believe in Jesus Christ,my Savior.If you do too,and arent scared to admit it,then copy and paste this into your sig!
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

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