Quelle erreur nous avons été de penser que l'immortalité signifie jamais mourir.
The above is what I plan to get tattooed somewhere on my back. Probably my right shoulder blade. In addition, I have decided upon two piercings. An industrial on one ear and a spiral on the other, I’m assuming pain and quite a bit of it but I feel it’s worth it. I’ve been thinking about piercings all day today even considered piercing my eyebrow, nose, and/or tongue. I’ve officially eliminated anything around my mouth though due to my aversion to my own blood which is essentially guaranteed with any work around the gums. The nose piercing is still up in the air, I might still get that but I’m slowly weaning away from the eyebrow. My issue is I don’t want something obvious and blatantly “counter-culture” that everyone will notice first thing. Instead, my tattoo is personal and just for me while my piercings can be easily hid away behind my hair. Oh, here’s a picture of each just to clarify, I’m not sure which ear should be what just yet:

Oh, I hadn’t even noticed that they were on two different ears. I guess that’s how it will look with an extra piercing on each since I already have two. I’ll probably get at least one of them this year and the other by the beginning of next. Not sure when I’ll get my tattoo but I’m sure it will be soon enough.