Peppy, long time no see (sorry, you won't get it sweatdrop )
Other people are awesome, so I'll show you how awesome they're biggrin
First, a banner Amayatar made for me, for the future shop (project at 80%, so it may be in some weeks smile )

Now, another art bit by Amayatar, I love her drawing style, so lovely xd

Ok, I bought this one, but it really looks like me, so you see XP

I don't need to say who made this one, do I? sweatdrop Hey Slon! Shall you make comics for me too? blaugh

Wait a minute... I should call this "Slon is Awesome", hehe sweatdrop
Well, I'll show you what I made to deserve this wink

Oh, and george says hi!

C'omon, comment, don't just get here, say "this guy's stooopid biggrin " and get out, comment and... SAY SOMETHING!
Community Member
just kidding. ;D