Sareth knocked on the door of a wooden shack that was by the wall.
"Enter," a voice said from inside, and he obeyed.
The wood elf bowed low to the captain of the guard.
"Rise," She crossed her arms, "State your business, Sareth."
"I was just passing through, and it is Lord Elethios's command for me to give you these." Sareth stood up straight and handed the captain the papers.
"Ah, very good." She praised as she looked at them. She was very attractive in Sareth's eyes. She had the fairest of hair to the middle of her back, and gorgeous dark blue eyes that stood out like shining sapphires against her pale skin. But she was always so strict, and she wasn't much of a talker. "Anything else?"
"No, Ma'am."
Sareth bowed and left the shack without another word. The guards immediately opened the gates for him when he approached. He suddenly stopped in his tracks as the pentagram on his back began to hurt. The back pain was accompanied by a bad headache, and Sareth held his head with one hand as he stumbled backwards. A voice echoed in his head Don't leave yet, Sareth. Let's have some fun. Wicked laughter filled his head and he suddenly lost control of his body. He turned around as an evil grin crossed his face.