Chapter I
Okay, Here it is, the first chapter!
One *Rrrring!* Everyone jumped up and rushed out the door, except for a short, cute boy who looked about fourteen and was quietly walking towards the front of the class. He smiled shyly as his friend, Elaine, waved to him, "Bye, Ben! See you tomorrow!" "See you later, Elaine! Have a good evening!" They parted. and Ben began towards the Cafe, where his parents worked and lived. He stopped shortly at the central fountain to look at the tall statue of Herald Kris, the original founder of the town. The statue was the main attraction of the town, and when the light winter snow sat upon it in early Autumn, it was the most beautiful thing to brighten the drab winter days. It was late September, and a few of the leaves had just begun to fall. A voice called, "Ben! Hurry inside!" It was his mother, and she needed Ben to cook dinner, because the cafe would be too busy for her to cook that night. He rushed into the kitchen, just quickly enough to avoid being hailed by a customer waiting for a drink. He put his books and bag down, and picked up his apron, made of a light silvery cotton with a slighlty faded flower trim on the edges. He then grabbed a large, scaly salmon and began to cut it just so, that he could get as much meat off of it as possible. When he was finally satisfied, he began to season it with a bit of this and that, then he very quickly placed it in the heated oven,so as to not burn himself. After about twenty minutes, he removed thefishwitha flourish and placed it on three medium-sized plates with a bit of parsley and a spoonful of steamed carrots he had cooked while the fish was in the oven. As he set the table his parents walked in and sat down. He filled three tall glasses with cold lemonade andplaced them on the table. As they ate, Ben began to think of how happy he was in school. Except for the feeling he got whenever he saw a couple walking through the hall holding hands. He always noticed this, and it made him feel lonely. Soon enough he finished his meal and went to his room and do his homework.
End of Chapter one. Don't forget to comment! 3nodding