*heh*…this one was my very 1st avi. art dat i did for a cool friend of mine ^_^ i know, its not rly all dat good, but…eh, i say it looks awright to me sweatdrop

lolz i drew this one from a cool goth/occult "how to draw manga" book (just a fuzzy, cute li'll creature) xD

hahaha another random creature dat i'm try'n to draw from the book ^.^

heheheh…ain't this one cute or wat ^_^

yet another cute creature dat i was try'n to draw from my "how to draw manga" book ;D

lol i drew a cool fan art of Haku, yea i know the face kinda looks a tad distorted lol, but at least i got the hair style close enough, don't ya'll think?? o.o

hahaha…here i was try'n to draw an Shizune (from Naruto) fan art, buuuuuuuut…it came out look'n like some random manga chic DX dammit! razz

heh…i drew this while i was in one of my art classes, well its called Analysis of Form, so on the 1st week, we were drawing tools to start with, so i picked out a few simple tools to draw (lolz) xd
welp, dats bout it (for now) lol…so wat ya'll think? biggrin give meh some honest comments here! blaugh