I'm Not a Monster:
My life was a nightmare. I couldn't take much of it. Every night the Benkins would come into my room and check to see if I was there, and every night I wished they just left me alone. The Benkins didn't care for me. They watched me like I was their prey. They had greed in their eyes and always wanted something from me.
My real parents abandon me when I was younger. I can't remember what they look like or if they had ever cared for me. I was alone in this world. I didn't know who I was, or why I was born in this world. All I knew was I hated my life and wanted it to be over.
I remember everything the day I arrived at the orphanage. I was ten and I was carrying a teddy bear in my hand. I still have the teddy bear till this day. The teddy bear was my friend, the only one I really had. Kind of sad when you think about it. I remember tall figures standing by my side. Maybe my parents, or relatives that I still had. They were talking to a lady at the front door of the orphanage. Mrs. Benkins.
The tall figures next to me were pleading and begging Mrs. Benkins to take me in. Saying they couldn't take care of a "gifted child". Mrs. Benkins who "loves" kids, without questions took me in. At first everything was wonderful. I had kids to play with, and I had a family to live with. Things were going great for me. Mr. teddy my teddy bear, also made friends as well. Living at the orphanage for me was the life. Little did I know was that it would end short for me.
I was just being my normal self. I didn't mean to cause any harm for any of the kids or the Benkins. I just wanted them to love and care for me as they did for all the other kids. But as you can see I was a "gifted child" oh curse those words. I was normal like all the other kids, or so I thought.
one evening I was sitting on the patio in the backyard staring at the sky. A little boy from the orphanage came to me, asking if I wanted to play with all the other kids. His name was Mason. Mason was the little boy I had a crush on. I was happy when he asked me if I wanted to play with him.
"Sure I responded. What are we playing" I was already off the ground and on my feet.
"Tag" Mason responded. "Do you want to be it?" He asked. I remember his smiling face. I thought he was adorable.
"Sure I responded" I walked over to Mason and followed him to where all the other kids were. They were gathered in a circle.
"So when are we starting?" I smiled, I was excited that I was going to play my first game here.
"Here put this rag around your eyes" One of the kids walked towards me handing me the rag.
"What for?" I asked. "I thought we were playing tag"
"We are........ its hide and seek tag" Mason responded.
"Ok then" I smiled happily.
"Ok then count to 30 and then take off your rag" Mason commanded.
I began to count. one...... two...... three........ I remember hearing kids shouting, Screaming "run away!". I stood there confused not able to see because of the rag. The screaming got fainter and I got the feeling that I was alone. Did the kids already find a hiding spot? I thought to my self. I took the rag off my face. I was completely alone. Although this was hide and seek tag. I had a strange feeling something bad was going to happen.
"Ok you guys I can't find you. Come out!" I shouted giving up on the game already. No one came out.
"Hello! I'm done playing this game!" I looked around, something wasn't right. I began to get worried. Why was no one coming out? I thought.
"Get her!" A Kid screamed. I saw a group of kids charging at me with speed. They had sticks in their hands that were sharpened at the tip. I tried to run away from them but I was not very fast.
"Stop you guys" I shouted to them "I don't like this game" I was crying watching the kids charge at me with sticks. Someone came up and trip me sending me falling forward. I remember the kids jabbing me with their sticks piercing my skin, making me bleed. I remember shrieking in pain, and begging them to stop. I also remember them laughing at me, and no one cared to help me. Even Mason was in this. It was all fun in games for them
I didn't want to hurt them. I just wanted to be friends with them. I didn't want them to look at me like I was a monster. I wanted to be normal. I wanted people to love me. But I wasn't normal, and no one can ever love a monster.
So I took a victim. The first person I can reach in the group. A fat kid that was slightly taller then me. I got off the ground with as much strength as I had in me, and stretched my hand reaching for his arm. He looked at me shocked that I was touching him.
"Get off of me" The boy yelled. "I don't need a filthy girl like you to touch me" I was still grasping onto his arm. I was trying to look into his eyes. He was resisting me though.
"What are you doing?" He asked "I told you to get off of me!"
I pulled his face towards mine, forcing him to look at me. When I had my chance, I stared straight into his eyes, forcing him to stare into mine. The other kids had stopped jabbing me with their sticks. Their attention was focused on me and the fat boy. They were watching me wondering what I would do. The fat boy was done resisting. He looked at me in terror.
"What are you doing?" He asked stuttering
I didn't respond. I was concentrating. I only had done it once, and I wasn't sure if I can do it again. But I had to try.
"Ok Mia were done here" Mason put a hand on my shoulder. "You can let go of Tobey now." Mason demanded. I stood there with Tobey, looking into his eyes. They may be done here, but I wasn't. I concentrated harder, and with a little more concentration I finally manage to do what I wanted. Tobey was on the ground moving frantically in pain. Screaming and crying. All the kids looked at Tobey then to me.
"Monster!" One kid screamed "Mrs. Benkins" another shouted. All of the kids were running around in terror, and Tobey was still on the ground shrieking in pain.
I snapped out of my little trans looking at Tobey tossing and turning on the ground. I remember hearing Mrs. Benkins running down the stairs with the kids on her tail. I could hear her big feet stomping on the patio ground, and I remember knowing she would be angry with me. Not wanting to face her, I ran away from the orphanage. I couldn't believe what I had just done
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I believe in Jesus Christ,my Savior.If you do too,and arent scared to admit it,then copy and paste this into your sig!
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

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