the song is from a video game played on only an X-box360. and i got $220 to buy myself and Xbox 360 and so i can get it and like pure awesomeness! yeah... all that money i got in 1 day! XD i had a spanish b-day for my 15th bday. i think i already told u wat its called. i will again anywayz.. "(keen-sen-yeta-)" eerr an (king-say-yeta) something like that and so i had one and i wore a purple dress... and i hate dresses.. >.< and i had to wear heels and xp eeww i looked soo like a hoar! well. not completely at least. and i had to wear a tiara and i went to L.A. on i think sat. morning to go get it all! and that same night we partied and everyone was drunk and i had to dance with strange men who i didnt even know the names of. and they were all in there oh like idk... 30's! xp maybe even older? but my dad said "oh he's known you when u were a baby" and thinking "and it should have stayed that way! they looked very creepy and all they wanted to do was dance nasty and there was hardly any room and this all happened right outside my dads house in a small white tent and in the driveway! yep! this all happened in my dads garage! and all i keep thinking right now is "IT WAS ALL JUST A CREEPY WEIRD SCARY NIGHTMARE!" funny thing though... my dad wants to do a BIG BASH for when i turn 16. he said "oh yeah.. we're gonna get u a limo and go to a court yard place with grass and it will be inside another room and sooo many people will come and... yada yada yada!" i hate the attention of me like that! its all AAAAWWWKKKKWWWWAAAAARD!!
oh and.. sometimes i have times where all i want to do is talk and talk and talk. why? because im very open minded! and i luuuuv telling other people wat happened whereeveri was doing or watevers soo yeaaah! and well yeeaah! xp oh and guess wat? my dad invited some of my friends... and did they arrive? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! -_-... OH AND! .. my 17 yr old cuzin said "oh im sowwi leyann but i have to go be somewhere else right now.. but i promise i will be right back!" yeah.... she came back when the party was over and when i was in my room opening presents. -_-.... EVERYBODY KEEPS LEAVING ME! EVEN MY OWN FAMILY! t.t T.T :'( sad sad DX~ well.... its not like this is the first time its happened to me. seriously though.. all i want is a best friend who i can just be with and hang out with and talk to. I dont want any crap like "OOOHHH im sowwi! im to BUSY for yeeew" its happened to me once... it happened to me twice... OH YEAH! and if i didnt mention b4 then i will mention now.... "I play by the rules of baseball with life" in other words... 3 strikes ur out! or maybe if whoever it may be would be lucky that they get a foul or fly ball. but it happens only to the ones that i want to keep and deeply trust! anywayz... if ur thinking "daaang this girl typed allllooooottt!" then umm ughh.. i think im reapting myself now cuz i think i had just already told yew. -_- all well i will say it again..
"when i have something to say... i will say it!" why? because the more i have to talk about... the more someone would want eerr end up replying... cuz whoever is paying attention would end up having to say something instead of "oohh" or "wooow" or "thats crazy" someone who was actually paying attention err someone who wanted to pay attention would say "stop for a second.. i have something to comment about that" yeh! well maybe not exactly like that but u know wat i mean? anywayz so umm if u read this entire thing... please tell me! cuZ then i can add u to my list of people of "people who actually give a damn about wat i say and care enough to read the entire thing just because in the end... it was all worth it cuz it came from my fabulous friend shiny!" list! yeah umm i need a new name for the list... its kinda hard for me to find a simple title short enough to fit everything i want to say. people might say "well to give ur title a name just search for the important details or things u like most and pick one and put it as ur title!" umm yeeeaaah thats litterally really hard for me! considering the fact i find everything important and interesting. xp -_-. and for my party i stayed up till 12:30 am. oh and before the party i was woken in the morning of the party at 6am. -_-. why? cuz i didnt get my dress or nothing and we needed alot of time to search for one and all that. gaaawd i look sooo pale! and i looked older! oh and my eyes were alll big in alot of the pictures i took. why? cuz i was soooo super tired and i had to drink caffeine free soda to stay awake. and i didnt know one of the side affects would be that i have wide big eyes like that -> O.O ! and there was this lady.... umm she was err is kinda like the understudy of the actual singer. but she sounded just like the original. although her band wasnt there and she was the only one singing AND!!!! .. they didnt play my favorite song... why? well how the heck should i know? i cant understand spanish! and im half El Salvadorian. Half american. and 1/4 chinese. and those are the main biggest %'s out of all of wat i am. oh and... i had alot of cake... like not that day but my sister had a b-day in november.. and my moms b-day is a few days from hers... and my step-dads b-day is on Halloween and my b-day is in February and my brothers is the day after valentines day... soo umm... with all our b-days so close together means.... ALOOOT OF CAKE! The only thing i liked was that it was cold! and all i wanted to do was play my x-box! but noooooo. sad
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^~Hatsune Miku Music Video!~^

^~Hatsune Miku Music Video!~^