Roleplay One. Rikujou Land.
Clans and Information. Kitsune Clan= Sneaky, slick, intelligent fox clan. They use their tricks and magic to confuse and manipulate their enemies into disorientation and finally to their fall. Ryu Clan= Wise, Strong, intelligent dragon clan. They use their strategies and their strength more then their magic to over come their enemies. Sune-ku Clan= Cold hearted, slippery serpent clan. Using their slippery ways they slip into the enemies forces or into their enemies mind to take them out from the inside by making illusions or to cause physical pain. Houka Tori Clan= Hot blooded, hot-tempered phoenix clan. Born from their ashes the phoenix uses healing magic more then attack magic, but if necessary its attacking magic is enough to make enemies run for water. Kaze Ookami Clan= Silent, calm, intelligent wind wolfs clan. Wolfs us pack-enforced maneuvers to trap and capture their enemies staying calm even in the most stressful situations of battle.
Villages and Information. Hikaku Village= This village is hidden in the mist of the waterfalls of the Hikaku rivers that run around it. The villages land is moist and great for foliage to grow, the village is on an island in the middle of a lake that the Hikaku waterfall runs into. Douketsu Village= This village is found in the caves of the Takenaga Mountains. The village area is mostly rock with few trees and shrubs. A small river runs through the mountain as their limited water source. Bokusou Village= This village is found in the grassy valley's. The village area is mostly large plains with tall grass and levies containing water. Hazumi Village= This village was built next to the hot springs in the middle of a thick forest. The soil is rich in minerals making the surrounding forest thick and plentiful. Koyama Village= This village is found in the hills where the wind is it's strongest. The area is covered in hills and patches of trees and rocks; rivers run through some of the hills.
Which Clans have what Village. Hikaku Village is home to the Kitsune Clan. Douketsu Village is home to the Ryu Clan. Bokusou Village is home to the Sune-ku Clan. Hazumi Village is home to the Houka Tori Clan. Koyama Village is home to the Kaze Ookami Clan.
Roleplay Two The City in The Sky.
City Description. The city floats in the sky in the clouds, the city is held in the sky by a magical crystal at the sinter of the city in the museum. The city is as large as New York with many hotels, apartment complexes, stores, and restaurants. The city is divided into five blocks and each block has a different race controlling it. Around the city is a very large forest with lakes and rivers. There are hot springs and waterfalls; at the edge of the forest is a meadow about 50yds long all around the forest witch leads to the end of the land. The water that falls over the edge is magically brought back to the source of the rivers it falls from. With in the forests and cities are mysterious creatures that look like animals but are actually monsters that try to eat the spirits of the living, there aren’t that many of them so it's rare to see one. The only way to tell the difference from a normal animal is that their eyes glow blue in the shadows.
The Cities West Block= Lycan Territory. North Block= Human Territory. South Block= Vampire Territory. East Block= Wolf Demon Territory. Central Block= Demon Territory.