Zaria, Goddess of War

Total Value: 894,380 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Autumn Glory
Fausto's Bottle 2nd gen.
Fausto's Bottle 2nd gen.
Ume Blossom Hairpin
Phoenix Circlet
Elven Ears (Tone F)
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Infernal Spirit
Infernal Spirit 2nd Gen
Momo Yuki, Guardian of Wisdom

Total Value: 1,072,621 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Elemental Wings
Elven Ears (Tone F)
Lunar Cloak
Ancient Katana
Spartan Sandals
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Carol of Ol' Nick
Mythrill Armor
Yuumi, Goddess of the White Tigers

Total Value: 929,141 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Winter Rose
Gift of the Goddess
Large Gold Buckle Belt
Ninja Sword
Ancient Katana
Otami Greaves
Otami Loincloth
Otami Upper Armor
Year of the Tiger
Doll Ears
Oculus Magica