Give me life and give me strength,
That's all they say....
But I don't need to ask that.
I see you every night in my dreams,
I imagine you touching me,
And I wish I could reach out and touch you as well,
But I can't.
When I talk to you on the phone,
I can see you beneathe my eyes
I can see your expression each time you speak,
But I can't at the same time.
Yet despite of this,
You always make me happy when I hear you voice
Or even when I see your name written down somewhere.
I know...Pathetic, right?
But each time I think of him, or I'm around him
I get this incredible feeling in the pit of my stomach and heart
Like he could be "the one"
But only part of me believes it.
Is that right?
Is this love?
I think I might be dreaming, that's what it feels like
Am I being fooled?
There's only one way to find out
And that's to see this through to the end
But I think my fear is trying to stop me,
And I'm letting it.
I can't let this go on,
But we all know how I am
Besides, I love him too much to let go
So I think I'll wait a little longer before I finally wake up.
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A series of stories/books I'm writing...
If you could, please give me feedback on whether I need to fix something or what you think overall.
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