This was it. Today, we would totally infiltrate P.D.'s--the Purple Dino--headquarters. The only problem? Homework.
"X variable... add the 4.59... Then you divide by the increase... and you get... WHAT IN THE NAME OF ST. JOSEPHINE?! HOW THE HELL DID I GET THAT?!"
Yzzie stared at me. Sherry stared at me. Why? They were already done. Yes. I, Rebby (Not my real name) suck at math. No idea why, though. For some reason, the world was against me today. Why? This morning, my Ipod was crushed to peices by a visiting cousin, my computer caught a virus, I was hit in the head with a dodgeball (bruise stil there), and now, ALGEBRA. ARRGH!
"Screw this! I'll just cheat off of one of you."
Yzzie rolled her eyes, and Sherry inconspicuosly tucked her homework under her bed.
At P.D.'s HQ...
"Ice, Cherry, are you in position?"
"Affirmative, Rebel."
"A-Ok, Rebs."
"Okay... whatever."
"Ice, you ready?"
"... Weirdos. But yeah, I'm ready."
Cherry asked, "Did you just call me weird?"
"No, she called you a lovely little rose. OF COURSE SHE DID, YOU DUMB@SS!!"
"Whatever guys. Get into position. I'm going to press the button in 5... 4... 3... 2..."
Complete darkness.
Muffled shouts of confusion and surprise filled the silence, but were quickly cut off my grunts of pain as Cherry used her mighty kick-@$$ powers to knock them unconscious.
Ice nodded in approval. "Good job, Cherry."
I spotted a window in the far wall, right next to the woods. I shuddered. I never knew how creepy woods looked like during the night-time.
Cherry and Ice scouted for guards or any approaching... whatevers as I peeked into the window. What I saw made my eyes pop. eek
A toy factory?
The worlds greatest threat, the one with all the money (not so sure about the money...) decides to make a toy factory. Why not a bombcenter? Or a shelter for Nuclear Warheads or something? But a toy factory?
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing. Have you ever seen a short man with green hair and orange skin wearing a skin-tight neon-orange body-suit stretched over a round belly? If so, you've just seen an Oompa-Loompa. I'm serious. My eyes were drinking all of this in when suddenly an Oompa-Loompa snapped it's head up and saw me. It shouted something in Oompa-Loompian and suddenly a 50-ton buff Tellietubby holding a large, over-sized fork wearing a neon-yellow apron charged out the doors of the factory. My first thought was, What's with the apron?
Now, I don't know if you've ever been almost run through with an over-sized fork by a huge apron-wearing Tellietubby, but let me tell you this, it totally gives you a new look on the small things in life. Like SMALL forks and SMALL Tellietubbies who DON'T want to bash your brains out.
Cherry and Ice dragged me towards the woods. I felt like saying "Torro! Torro!" As the Tellietubby came at us like a really pissed off bull. My brain somehow didn't process this until later as I saw the Tellietubby slam head-first (or is it the antennae?) into a hard oak tree just to my right.
We entered a clearing, puffing and wheezing. I checked my watch and my eyes went HUGE.
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Help those in need, and you will recieve something better than money... the feeling of happiness.-xXRebbeliousNinjaXx
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