age 19

Bio: At the age of 6, Lion was forced into a war. He never wanted to be in. He was fiercly trained, To where he was near death. He had completly lost his child hood. he was trained, to kill a person without blinking. After a while. he was no longer able, to think for himself. He followed orders to a T. He dident have very manyf reinds. Cause Tools dident need freinds. He has emotions to and extent. he dosent screw around. When he was 8 he shot and killed his parents. Cause they were the enemy. as the days and years went on. It was like he wasent human any longer. His weapon is strange to. ITs beleived that his weapon also has control over him. He finaly was let go. But still remebers everything that happened.
Race: He is Human. But dosent act or think like one.