Age 17
Race wolf/Demon
Height 5-10
Blood Type AA
Fighting style: Universal,meaning diffrent styles. he dose not use weapons.

Bio: As a very young boy,He had a crazy dream. And that dream Was to make the perfect Utopia for wolves. A Place where demon wolves. and wolves alike can live happily. Away from humans, and dangerous creatures. Mabe he can, If he dident make so many mistakes, and mess up. Hes the type of person, That has very little education but besides all the trouble he gets in, he gets a good laugh out of it. His parents, were enslaved. He has a partner his wolf spirit who he calls spirit. Who guides him as they travel together because Shion has a bad sence of direction despite his many failed attempts Hes still a very spirited person. and the will to continue on. Shion and spirt merge their powers together,To fight as a team. If need be he likes to sleep alot. He has very little leader ship qualities but hopes to live up to his goals. Spirit is Shions soul, he has 2 souls cause of his own.