I walked down to the pear and sat down. I heaved a sigh. Why had I come to the surface when he never cared? He just aimed to hurt me. And now I was depressed, and stuck on the surface. I wasn't sure if Anastasia had had enough training as a good sea witch to help me change back. A tear fell from my eye. Suddenly I felt my body collied with the earth, and somebody laughing.
I started coming too. I opened my eyes. My head was killing me, and I was seeing two of everything. I grouned. "Well did you have a nice nap?" Someone asked. I looked up and saw the two sailors that had interupted me and Jordan the other day. The one's I was worried about knowing who and what I was! "What....where..." I said. I couldn't move. My arms were tied behind a chair, my legs tied together. "Agh." Said one of the sailors. "I think she's scared." Damn right. I didn't do anything to you so let me go! "What do you want with me?" I said though I was sure I already knew the answer.
"You know what we want." One of them said. "We know what you are." the other said. "Your a mermaid." "I....I don't know what your talking about." I said. "Oh don't play dumb." The first sailor said. "We're just going to put you in water so you'll turn into your true form and then show the world that merpeople exsist and that were not crazy." "You are crazy!" I yelled. "I'm not a mermaid!" I had to lie my way out of this...stale until someone came for me. Would Anastasia? Of course she would. But...would Jordan? No he probably wouldn't....he didnt' care about me. He cared more about that blonde whore then me.
"Get her in the water." The first one said. He was muscular. The other one was skinny. He picked me up, with me still tied up, and carried me to a big tank of water. I tried to squrm free. "Relazie. This will be completly painless." The one carrying me said. "I can't swim. And for another if I do turn out to be a mermaid. Which I'm not..." I lied. "Then I would be locked up, and experimented on. THAT WOULD be painful." I looked at the tank of water. I loved water. But this was one time I didnt' want to be around it. "HELP!" I cried. He carried me up the lader and untied me. Then I felt him push me into the water.

To be countinued in Chapter 20....