my philosophy (so far)
i should begin by telling you all that i am a christian, but i am very open-mined. you may think the following theories are strange, but i guess they are, whether they are correct or not
the beginning: it is believed that god is manifested in all things, and therefore it stands to reason that god created the first thing in the universe, which scientists believe to be some sort of small ball of energy. conversely, that ball could have been god himself, but these are just theories. one reason i believe in god is that there is no obvious reason why the universe dit not implode immediately after it's creation.
christianity and ancient religions: in the play "le morte de arthur" the wizard merlin states that "the one god comes to drive out the many" and this being the case, it stands to reason that someone believed it at some point. in one case, several pegan religions intersected, in a place called thebes, but coexisted somehow. i theorize that though there is only one true god, there are or were several false gods or immortal beings that were worshiped as gods. in norse mythology, there was a prophecy that the ragnarok would come and after it a gos named "alfadur" which literally means "all father" would restore the earth to it's former glory. this prophecy repeats in many great religions, and who is to say that they aren't all true to a certain extent? i theorize that these are manifestations of ancient beings spreading the word of god.
the buddha and christianity: the buddha was at least the second greatest man who ever lived. most buddhist believe that jesus existed and that he was a being similar to buddha, enlightened. is it not possible that they both existed? some theorize that they could have been the same person, and that the only reason they became seperate is because the stories were interpreted differently by the different nations
many, including myself, believe that buddha travelled with jesus or was connected t ohim somehow. it is also theorized that during jesus' lost yearss he may have stayed at a buudhist monastery
ideals: this is a list of what i think we should aspire to
ideals relating to friendship:i believe that we should aspire to be friends with, if not love, all people. i believe that no one human is greater than any other human, and therefore we are equals and should not judge. it has been said "let he who has not sinned cast the first stone" but we have all done wrong.
ideals relating to love:i believe that love conquers all, and that we should aspire to love all people. love, however, can be very dangerous, we must learn to take it in stride, never try to force your love on another, if they do not wish for your love then you should try to change their mind, but if you cannot, then leave them so that you can continue to love them whether or not they love you. love is dangerous in the sense that it sometimes drives humans mad, that love should be kept in check most of all, but it is still love and we should aspire to have others that love us to such a degree, as we love your god above all, for god is creator, saviour, teacher and more, but fear him in the sense that he is loving but will always enforce his law, for it is good. do not rely on others to love you, however, though god always will, humans are imperfect and therefore can make mistakes. love yourself and if someone will not love you, it is worse for them, not you
ideals relating to chivalry: i believe that chivalry is a must, for humans are naturally imperfect and therefore to work as a society we must accomodate each other, kindness, selfless acts, defending the innocent from those who would do evil. to work as a society we must not expect much of other humans, we must take the first step and be kind to them,and if they are not kind in return, do not hate them, pity them, for kindness creates love, and love is what makes humans a great species
ideals relating to "lesser" creatures: humans are potentially great creatures, but that does not mean we should treat other creatures like they are worth less than us, nor should we treat the earth that way. all things are fundamentally similar and should e treated as such.
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blayd's ravings
i like to write about my day, write stories (i have written the story of pygmalion down in one entry) and write about my philosophy
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