For example... I joined on the fourth of July 2004. Thats 4/7/2004.
So, math fans. What's 4 + 7 + 2004? Why, its 2015 of course! But its only that bolded 5 we're interested in.
1 = Epistola Constellation = Letter
2 = Vulpus Constellation = Fox
3 = Penna Constellation = Wing (me)
4 = Spurca Constellation = Spork
5 = Falcis Piscibus Constellation = Fishing Hook
6 = Arca Constellation = Trunk
7 = Lepus Crudus* Constellation = Grunny
8 = Donum Constellation = Giftbox
9 = Halos Constellation = Halo (duh)
0 = Cauda Diaboli Constellation = Devil's Tail.

Those gaiaborn under the Epistola constellation are often gifted with the ability to communicate openly and understandably, but can also (in certain situations) be cursed with the exact opposite, shutting the world out and keeping their thoughts to themselves, even when they want more than anything to open up. They tend to do things in their own time and mustn't be hurried. They are often polite and well meaning, but can sometimes seem patronising or arrogant to others. They are generally peace loving and do their best to find constructive ways to resolve issues and arguments via communication.

Those gaiaborn under the Vulpus constellation can be very shrewd customers. They tend to be Intelligent and sharp witted, but often cold and self serving. Vulpi find it easy to meet and get along with new people, but often find it difficult to make good friends they deem worth keeping. They can see most problems coming a mile away, which is usually a good thing, but can sometimes spend too long weighing the pros and cons of a situation that all opportunity to act passes them by. Generally they're approachable people, but when pressured or pushed into a corner they can lash out and be quite unpredictable.

Those gaiaborn under the Spurca constellation know how to enjoy life. What matters most to them is that they're having fun in all that they do. They aren't always the sharpest tools in the shed, but they have a good time in all that they do. Childlike in nature, it's nearly impossible to hold their attention for long periods of time. Many would find this trait annoying, but equally as many find it endearing. They often speak their minds without thinking about other people's feelings, but they're also not the type to deliberately offend. They often bare grudges against people who've belittled them, and they never quit first in an argument.

Those gaiaborn under Falcis Piscibus often lead lives of solitude. They prefer to be alone and are quite capable of running their own lives, but cope badly when forced to interact with strangers. They are often highly intellectual, though they don't boast this or demonstrate it in public often. In conversations they tend to stay silent, unless however something catches their eye, in which case they reach in and accurately lock onto it, before going silent again. They can be very patient and forgiving, almost to the point of indolence, but if provoked they can usually come up the victor in any conflict.

Those gaiaborn under the sign of the trunk, the Arca constellation, are capable of staying cool under most pressures, or at least maintaining that illusion. As a friend, they can be incredibly supportive, but as a result of keeping up such a tough, reliable exterior for everyone else, they can often feel empty inside and in need of someone to return the favour. Often loyal and trustworthy, they rarely divulge secrets they've been given, and can keep them locked away inside for as long as necessary. Sadly, they can often be exploited because of their loyalties, which can lead to them feeling worthless, but when freed from the bad vibes they hop around like there's no tomorrow!

Those gaiaborn under the Lepus Crudus constellation can often be difficult to approach, but can really grow on you once you get to know them. They tend to hang around with others like themselves, and aren't alien to the idea of hostility. Some would call them mean or cruel, but it isn't personal. They just like to push the envelope a little. Their sense of humour can be infectious sometimes, and many would claim they're a bad influence, but really they're just living by their own rules and they can't stand to be caged or forced into doing things they don't want to do. Quick to bite and slow to forgive, you have to be on your toes around them, but get on their good side and you'll probably have a great time.

Those born under the Donum constellation tend to be incredibly generous. They give away their time and money even if they really need it themselves. This can often leave them in a bad spot, but as long as the person they helped is thankful and happy, they can deal with any problems they're left with. They enjoy helping others and have a strong sense of what is right, but they aren't always strong enough to uphold what they believe in. They can be fragile at times, and can sometimes break down and crash if exploited or mistreated too much, but their faith in humanity never seems to falter for long, and before you know it they'll be patched up and soaring again. They can be rather naive and oblivious sometimes, but many would envy them for being so very far from cynicism, even in the worst of times.

Those born under the Halos constellation are what you might call a goodie-two-shoes. They do their best at everything they do, always wear a smile and negativity never gets them down. They usually obey the rules, which is admirable, but sometimes when the rules ought to be bent or broken, they reveal themselves to be a stick in the mud. They can be incredibly friendly, generous, forgiving, helpful, likable and all-round saint-like, but they can also come across as smug, self satisfied and holier than thou, which won't win them many favours.

Lastly, those born under the Cauda Diaboli constellation, the devil's tail, often have the meanest streak of all. Wicked and cruel by nature, they laugh at things they really shouldn't laugh at, are known to start fights over trivial issues, and love to be the center of attention. Often intelligent and sharp witted, they usually use their smarts only for themselves and always have a nasty barb to spike any poor stray that steps into their domain. Besides all that, there is some good to them. They can (in rare times) offer sound (though harsh) advice, and they usually follow the rules in the loosest of ways, so even when they're being bad it's bad within acceptable limits. They can be very reliable friends, so long as you can stomach the punishment they dish out. They don't take anything seriously, so you shouldn't take what they say seriously either, or so they figure. You could argue that they're playful rather than nasty, but you'd have to have some concrete evidence for anyone to believe you...