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Please don't judge. I live life like it is. ^^~
:Heart: Thin Heart :Heart: Episode 2 part 2

*Narrartor:Continuing from the last episode &_& GRRR STUPIED RITSUKA!)*
*After they got back to the human world* Yuri:im sorry ryoko i didnt know you wouldnt heal ryoko:SHUT THE HELL UP! Ritsuka biggrin ont worry shes a stupied death angel she doesnt desever you now get out ryoko the stupied angel karin make her go karin:NO IM YURIS MAID NOT YOURS Yuri:-sigh-go ahead karin karin:WHAT....fine mister huyga miss ryoko-chan can you come with me please ryoko:SURE WERE ELSE DO I HAVE TO GO I JUST LOST EVERYTHING Karin:huh?O_______O?! Yuri:what ryoko:i have no house no family i should just live on the street good bye all of you *her black wings came out and she flew out the door leaving a lot of blood on the floor* Karin:Your horible ritsuka and you to yuri yuri thinking:I made the wrong choice ._.Ritsuka:Come on yuri-kun lets go to the moives! Yuri:no i need to rest my head hurts Ritsuka:fine i get your creditcard and go shopping yuri:go ahead *she grabed his card and she lefted*Karin:mister hyuga im going to find ryoko *she grabbed her coat and lefted* *while karin was out looking for ryoko* Karin:RYOKO! RYOKO! *she walked around for 3 hours and saw a dark little broken down house*Karin:better check here i have to look everywhere! *she walked in and opened the door* Karin:R...Ryoko...are you here? crow:CAW CAW Karin:is that you ryoko i know death angels can transform into crows *alls you heard is a big crash* RYoko:Ow karin is that you or is it someone i need to k...OUCH MY BACK *karin grabed out a little nekclace with a stone on it and it glowed* KArin:north star mean your bleeding like crazy ryoko:So when a death angel loses there punishment is to bleed for 10 hours karin:thats horible! ryoko:so what thats life for me i lived like this forever but i never lost a battle i didnt know it felt this horible! Karin:here wear this neckalce Ryoko:sorry but its made for light i cant wear it karin:it goes for whatever type you are watch *karin gave it to ryoko she put it on and it turned dark and the cuts a the gaint whole on her healed all up*Karin:so? ryoko:its amazing but the rules say that i need to bleed or it will back up and expolode karin:thats a stupied rule! ryoko:yea so *she picked up a peice of pointy glass and gave it to karin* Karin confused ??? *ryoko pulled up her sleave *KArin:WOAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! Ryoko:it also states i cant cut myself i need a friend or enime needs to do it so please?Karin:I...I...I CANT! ryoko:please? karin:fine! *she pointed the glass to ryoko's arm and cut a small cut* ryoko:thats to small it need to be really big karin:ugh *she pulled the glass down al whole lot *Ryoko:OUCH OK OK THATS ENOUGH! Karin:sorry!*there was a whole lot of blood going down her arm*Ryoko:-sigh-so what did you come here for karin:im sorry to say but that battle was my fault! Ryoko:hmm? karin:i told yuri to end it and and *crys* i think he though the wrong way they said if theyboth love the same person he could end it but but it was my fault -stops crying- did you know i love him karin:im a speacialist i can tell people emotions and and RITSUKA SHE DOESNT LOVE YURI Ryoko:REALLY!? Karin:Yea she it just using him for his money ryoko:I GOT TO UGH *she fainted from blood loss* KArin:EEEEP! *after 2 hours later ryoko awoke in the hospital* Ryoko:AHH IM IN A HOSPITAL ITS A NIGHTMARE >_<! karin:Not really royko:Karin?Oh what do you mean? Karin:This is a hospital for fallen angel and death angel but there only had one death angel here ryoko:Before me? Karin:Yea know a day death angels are really uncommon Ryoko:yep i know the stupied angelic angels killed most of them =l including my mom dad brothers too' karin:huh how many brothers did you have ryoko:two really but they were younge like 5 years old and what not they didnt even have there wings yet an they killed them-sigh-i really dont like angelic angels karin:....... Ryoko:thanks karin karin:for what ryoko:being my only friend karin:best friend ^^ ._. i never even had a friend before ._. Karin:Well now you do ^^! *ryoko started crying* karin:W....W..WHY ARE YOU CRYING O__O!!! Ryoko:na'h im just happy *cleans face off* Karin:well they said once you awoke you can go home ryoko surprised k *she jumped out the bed and karin covered her eyes* Karin:I know you didnt want to run around covered in blood so i got you some new clothes its on the chair! ryoko:thanks again karin:no problem