Note, I did this in like 5 seconds, you could do it your way, if you want.
Okay, Step One:
Brush your hair

Step Two:
Part your hair in two, both sides in front of each of your shoulders:

Step Three:
Take your hair and hold it up, smooth it, to make it into a high pony tail, like this:

Pony tail should look like this:

Step Four:
Repeat again so you have pigtails, they should look something close to this:

Step Five:
Take your pony tail, and wrap it around the hair tie, or w/e you're using, like this:

Heres how you wrap your bun:

Step Six:
Take a scrunchie, or w/e you call them and wrap them around the bun, to make sure it holds, repeat this for the other side as well.
Step Seven:
Your final result should end us something like this:

TADAA biggrin see, no gel or hairspray used at all, easy no?
If you guys tell me what material to use to make an Avatar The Last Airbender Cosplay, i'll keep posting more How To Hairstyles, it's fun biggrin
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