“Roy, I know how much you like pirates and ninjas, but I really don’t want to put them on the poster. It will look kinda stupid”, Jessica said.
Roy and Jessica were in Japanese, Year One class. They had recently learned all 76 characters and had to do a project on it. The project required each student to pair up. By default, Roy and Jessica always got paired. They had to think of fourteen items to put in katakana and add pictures to it, then they had to think of two actions that should be put into katakana. Jessica was the only artistically capable person in the group, so she was designated the drawer. Roy had to think of the words and write them out. So far they had thirteen items and both of their actions decided.
“Ok so far, we have ham, bread, America, Washington, Seattle, T.V, video-games, ball point pen, basketball, coffee, note-book, and computer. Can you think of one more thing that we’ve learned so far?” Roy asked.
“Uh… no. Dang it! We need just one more. Hey, lets ask Kevin. As a Japanese two student he should know something.”
The teacher told everyone to start finishing up what they are doing, the bell was about to ring. It was decided that Roy was going to get the katakana written and decorated while Jessica would finish drawing the last of the pictures. As the bell rang everyone rushed for the door. When Roy and Jessica finally got out, they found Kevin standing outside, with a less than happy look on his face, but neither Roy nor Jessica gave it a second thought. When Kevin saw the two, his face became much more relaxed. Kevin, Jessica and Roy walked down the hall and just chatted about life until Roy had to go the other way. Roy had almost forgotten about the other katakana item that they wanted to ask Kevin about.
“Hey Kevin, we need another word in katakana but we couldn’t think of anything else. We wanted to ask you. You got anything?” Roy asked.
“Ya, potato. Here”. Kevin wrote down the characters in katakana that meant potato. Jessica started to laugh at how simple the answer was. She was expecting some sort of big, complicated word.
As the second bell for second period, Jessica decided to get a head start on her katakana drawing in English. She didn’t even try to hide it, she knew the teacher wouldn’t bother her. When second period ended, Jessica found Kevin waiting for her again, but he had the same concerned look he had earlier. Jessica took notice of it this time. She asked Kevin what was wrong.
“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Giving a sigh Jessica said, “Kevin, I know you. Something is wrong. Please tell me.”
Giving a small whine, Kevin gave into a the vixen. “I got a call from Colin. The Death 2F Gang is moving into Issaquah again. But that’s not the real problem. There are rumors that the Government is also getting more involved into the actions of the FRA.”
“How so?”
“The… the government has… partnered up with the Gang. They are joining to double their forces against us.”
Jessica was silent for a second before she just asked, “That’s it?”.
“That’s it?! Do you know what this means? It means that we are in more danger then ever before. The Gang won’t be as civilized as the Government. they will do anything possible to make sure we're dead.”
Giving a small peh, Jessica changed the subject to the current happenings on Gaia. The Halloween Hysteria just ended and Jessica never got a chance to get all of the possible items. Kevin however got all but the zombie character items. Jessica was excited to see what the November Monthly Collectable was. They chatted until it was almost time for third period. Kevin and Jessica said their goodbyes and walked away.
Jessica just got out of Kevin’s car and headed for her door. She heard Kevin drive away behind her. When she opened the door, a cool breeze rushed by her, her mom left the window open so it was freezing inside of the house. Jessica walked over to the thermostat and turned up the heat, a few minuets later and the house was warm and cozy. The days have been getting shorter and it has been getting colder, a sign winter is on it’s way.
Jessica found a note on her fridge as she was getting something to snack on. The note was from her mom saying that they would be at her little brother’s soccer game. No matter how annoying he is, Jessica had to feel bad for her little brother, it was freezing outside and he had to run around in that weather in shorts and a t-shirt.
She got on the computer and started to do her homework, she had to finish a biology lab write-up. After about 20 minuets, Jessica was half way done with her project when she heard a loud car coming up the neighborhood. It sounded like it was going at least 50 miles per hour. Jessica heard is screech to a halt in front of her house. The blinds were closed so she slightly parted two of them and looked out. There were two men near the car; one was a brown mouse and the other an orange and black tiger. Both of them had bats in their hands and were beating her mail box with them. A female Lynx came out too. She had many visible piercings on her ears and lips. She had black and white fur that looked dyed. She was making several suggestive movements towards that house and she went so far as to completely take of her shirt showing everything on her chest. After the Lynx put her shirt back on, she opened the trunk of the car and pulled out a large rubber band, shortly followed by a brick. The two men each took an end of the band while the Lynx got behind them and stretched out the band. She placed the brick on the band and stretched it out further. Jessica didn’t know what they were going to do until the last second when the Lynx girl let go of the brick. Jessica ducked just in time as the brick came crashing through her window. It hit the wall with a thunk as the three people outside quickly got back into their car. After they drove off laughing and hooting, Jessica walked over to the brick and saw something weird; there was some sort of insignia cared on the side. She gave a small gasp when she saw what it was. It was the Death 2 F Gang symbol. Their symbol consists of two parts. The first part was a simple skull and cross bones, the second was a “2” and an “F” next to each other in front of the skull. The Gang had found her, they know who she is.
The next day, she finished the project with Roy. She didn’t tell him about what happened yesterday. Her mind wasn’t really focused on the project, Roy noticed this but didn’t really pay much attention to it; he thought that Jessica was just tired. They finished early so they just talked about what has been happening at the FRA. Roy has been going there every weekend to train. He has been making extremely good progress. He was excited to tell Kevin about his new skills. He could now make other things invisible by focusing his power into something, or someone else. Jessica couldn’t wait to get out of the class; she had to tell Kevin what happened last night. The bell rang and Jessica almost sprinted out the door, to find that Kevin was missing. Maybe he’s getting out late, Jessica thought as she looked into Kevin’s classroom window, but she found only the teacher there. Kevin wasn’t there the whole day. Every period she would wait for him, but to no prevail. She was happy to get home to see a police officer there asking her parents questions.
Once her homework was done she got on Gaia to relax a little bit, get her mind off of what happened last night. She was surprised to see that Kevin was on. Opening her mail, she sent him a quick private message, saying hi. He responded almost immediately. She was hoping he told her where he was today, but all he said was “hey”. She sent another pm to him asking him where he was today at school. Before she could do anything else he typed back, “I’ll tell you at school tomorrow”. With that, he signed off.
The next day at Japanese class she couldn’t wait for class to end so she could tell Kevin about what happened. As soon as the bell rang, she darted out of the class. There was Kevin waiting for her. “Kevin, on Wednesday the Gang-”
“I know, they threw a brick into your window”, he interrupted, “I spent all day yesterday tracking down the people who did it. We found them and they’re in custody.”
“The FRA.” He said.
“Oh”, was all she could say. Something seemed wrong with him. He seemed more angry, more apart from everything They walked to their next period in silence. During break, Jessica tried to break the ice a bit, “So, will you be at school tomorrow?” she asked.
“No. I got some business to take care of. The Gang is on the rise so we need to be prepared”. The bell rang and Kevin said good-bye, darting into his class. Jessica was taken back by how fast he left, this wasn’t like him. Now she was starting to get scared, what could possible make Kevin act like this?
______________________________________________________________________ As He said, Kevin was not at school the next day. Roy talked to Jessica about something that happened last night. Apparently a group of people chucked a brick through there window. His parents called the police and they only said it was the Gang. The police station has been getting dozens of calls, the Gang has been targeting every family that has a freak in it and even some that don’t. After lunch Jessica went to fourth period, she had math. Maybe math will take my mind off of this, she thought. She loved math, it was her favorite class; it just came so easily to her. The rest of the day went by easily and she was just about to get on her bus when she spotted Roy running towards her. He was panting so she could assume that he had been running for a while. “Jess!” he called. “Hey I just got a call from Kevin. He said to wait at your house tomorrow, don’t go on the bus. He’ll pick you up. He said he had a surprise. Just make sure it’s all right with you folks.”
“Ok. Thanks Roy. See ya tomorrow.” She said as she got on the bus.
Her bus was always crowded, she hated taking it. She was excited when Kevin first told her he could drive her home. Now she missed being driven home more that ever. This would be a first time for both of them. Kevin has never pick Jessica up from her house to school. When she got home she asked her mom about it. “Sure, I don’t see why not. He seems like a nice boy” her mom said. Her mom was a cheetah with orange fur and black dots. Jessica always liked how her mom’s fur always stayed flat, compared to her vixen fur which was almost never flat, not without constant brushing at least.
Jessica got her homework done and decided to mess around on Sporetm. She finally got the planet buster and it was time for some sweet revenge. For as long as she has been on the planet stage, the Grox have been attacking her. Now who’s attacking who Grox, she thought. Already the thought of what happened two days ago was quickly leaving her mind. She knew she had all the power in the world to stop anyone, even the Gang. She gave a small snicker at the thought of the three people who threw the brick through their window facing Kevin. After he was through with them, they could stick a light bulb in their mouths and light up a house. She decided to ask Kevin tomorrow at school what he would do the three he tracked down who broke her window. Boy are they in trouble, she thought.
The next day, Jessica waited outside her door to look for Kevin’s car. She waited for about twenty minuets when she heard an engine roaring towards her. She got up off the steps and started walking towards the street. Looking down the street, Jessica didn’t see any car. She listened to the sound get closer when she finally saw it. It was a camo green ATV. The ATV had a foot clearance from the ground, it was about as wide as a car and it had the brand name “Artic Cat” adorned on the side. Riding it was Kevin, as Jessica could tell by his off black fur, and every part of his lower body was covered with brush guards. It looked like something that should be in the woods, not on the street. Kevin stopped the quad in front of Jessica and cut the engine. “What do you think?” he asked pulling up his visor.
“It’s… um… wow!” she replied.
“This”, he said patting the quad, “is a 700cc quad. It can reach speeds of 80 miles per hour and the wench on the front can pull up to 3000 pounds.”
“So this is the surprise?” she asked.
“Yep. What a ride?” he asked handing her a spare helmet.
“Sure. How do you put this on?”
“Like this”. He took the strap and slipped it through several loops. “Thank you” Jessica said, mounting the ATV. Kevin slowly rolled the quad forward and turned around. Then after they were away from Jessica’s house, Kevin gunned the engine, making them speed down the neighborhood. Jessica got a glance at the speedometer which read “65 mph”. As soon as she read it, she felt Kevin start to slow down. Before they were anywhere near the intersection, Kevin slowed down to a slow 25 mile per hour. Kevin drove the rest of the way at the legal speed limit. He drives down the familiar roads leading to the school. Everyone they passed turned their head at least once at the pair on an ATV. Roy was waiting for the two near the parking lot and his jaw dropped when he spotted Jessica and Kevin on the ATV. Kevin pulled into the closest open parking space. “Dude! This is screwed up” Roy called. “How did you manage to pull this off?”
“I made the turn signals, added mirrors and then I brought it down to the department of licensing and registration and they said it looked ok. So they made it street legal” Kevin explained. “I’m not allowed to take it on the highway though.”
“Nice. You guys might want to hurry it’s almost time for class. I’ll see you in class Jess.” With that, Roy darted through the growing crowd and headed down the hall. “We should get going too”, Kevin said.
“Alright. What do you want me to do with this?” she asked, holding up her helmet.
“I’ll take that”. Kevin took the helmet and opened a spot on the ATV, then looped both helmet on the bar and closed it. “This bar can’t be opened without the key. It really comes in handy”
The two started to head in the direction of their first classes. They were talking for a little bit outside of Jessica’s class, Jessica noticed that Kevin seemed to be much happier than when he was the day before yesterday. The bell rang and they said good-bye to each other before heading into their classes. Jessica noticed that Kevin had a major limp when he walked; it looked like he hurt his left leg. She took one last look at his leg and saw something else; Kevin was hiding the back of his left leg with his tail. She thought it was kind of weird that he didn’t say anything about it. He looked like he was in pain with each step he took. She didn’t give it much thought but she did tell Roy about it. “He probably hurt himself. Riding that monster of a quad”, he replied. His idea made sense but she would still ask Kevin about it later during break. After the bell rang, Kevin limped over to Jessica and walked with her to second period. She had a bit of trouble getting up the stairs but Jessica never noticed it. The bell rang and Jessica walked into English and sat down in her spot. She had no one sitting around her, so she could easily concentrate on anything in front of her, she did feel lonely most of the time though. She at least had a teacher who didn’t think anything about Jessica being a freak. He still treated her like any other student. The bell rang and after she gathered her things, she headed outside to find Kevin waiting or her just like always. He still didn’t say anything about his limp. She finally decided to ask him. He just looked at his leg, still covered by his tail, and said, “Lets get to class first”. Once they where in front of the door, Kevin looked around to see if anyone was listening to them. Once he confirmed no one was listening, he buckled down and explained everything. “Yesterday I had to go to the FRA base to be get new info on the Gang, the Government has just broken the alliance with them and is now hunting them like before. The Government gave the Gang information on suspected FRA members, us included. Roy also got his window broken by the same people so we are questioning them for any information we can get. They talked, but they don’t know much. I learned all of this at our last meeting, but before that I was ambushed. The council warned that we are being targeted for some reason by the Gang but I still had to go to the base. When I was ambushed, one of the guys connected with my leg, and this”, he said moving his tail, revealing a 4 inch long scar, “is what happened. You see, the Gang wants to kill us. They don’t want information, they only want blood. This is why I was so paranoid when I learned the Government and Gang were join together. We are possibly targets for assassination.”
“It’s that serious?”
“Unfortunately, yes”
Jessica gave a short sigh and silently thought about the new dangers. She had to be able to help somehow, she always felt like the weight of everything was on Kevin’s shoulders. “Your leg will heal, right?” she asked.
“Yes, but it will take some time. I’m gonna’ have to take it easy.”
Jessica didn’t say it, but she didn’t think that Kevin told the whole story. If he knew about it, then why did he go? He could have called them and said he was sick or something. She tried to think of any logical explanation, but couldn’t. Kevin pulled out his cell phone to check the time. They had to get to class, it was 9:33, and their class started at 9:35. Just as Kevin opened the door and said good-bye, he stopped dead in his tracks. Jessica barely saw it with he peripheral vision. She took a few steps back to see Kevin, still stopped. All of a sudden, he collapsed on the round, screaming in pain and holding his hurt leg. His leg started to twitch as he rolled on the ground, still screaming. After he stopped rolling, his screams turned into small whimpers. Tears were flowing down his face, ruffling his fur. He crawled over to the left, out of the doorway. He was still on the ground when Jessica got over to him. Tears were now freely flowing down his cheek, dripping off his chin. “What happened? What hurts?” she asked.
“My leg, bad cramp.” He said through clenched teeth.
“Do you want to go to the nurse’s office?” she asked.
Kevin only responded with another whimper. Jessica helped him up on his feet, just as the teacher came back to the class. “Oh my god, what happened?” the teacher asked.
“He had a cramp, a big one too.” Jessica responded.
The teacher quickly ran inside and picked up the phone on her desk. “Hello? Yes, I’m sending down a Kevin Tork to the nurse, he had a cramp and can’t walk”, turning to Jessica, she said, “Go ahead”.
Kevin limped towards the nurse, while leaning on Jessica. “What happened?” Jessica asked.
“The knife made it to my muscle. It hit a nerve and cramps hurt… bad!” He was talking through his teeth again so Jessica kept quiet to try not to anger the wolf. Wolves have a nasty habit of hurting anything around them when mad. They get to the nurse and the nurse immediately gives Kevin a pair of crutches. He hobbled over to the nurse’s table and sat down. After she checked him, she looked at his leg and saw the stab wound. She simply said that he needed to go home and stretch his leg. Jessica helped him back over to his quad and helped him on. “Sorry Jess. I can’t drive you home today.”
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
The four-wheeler roared to life and Kevin speed out of the parking lot, leaving Jessica to watch him drive off. Jessica stared for a little while until she returned to her class.
The whole rest of the day, Jessica was worried about Kevin. He couldn’t even walk to his front door. What if the Death 2 F Gang attacks today? Each day just made the possibility of an attack greater. Jessica thought about it a little more and scoffed at the idea of Kevin getting hurt. The wolf could control electricity, one zap and they’re done. Jessica decided not to worry about him and just walked back to class.
The next day, Kevin was back and still limping but at least he was walking. He still had trouble getting up the stairs but he was doing ok.
A few days go by and Kevin is getting better and better. He can almost walk completely without a limp, but he is still no where near being able to run. Luckily the Gang hasn’t been acting up at all. Kevin once called Colin to ask and see if the Gang was up to anything, but they had no reports or confirmation that they were up to anything. But that was soon to change.
It was around the middle of class in 5th period when Jessica got a text. Making sure the teacher did not see it, she flipped open her phone and saw it was from Kevin. Kevin just got a call from someone at the FRA saying that the Gang is on the move. She asked the teacher if she could go to bathroom. “Yes, make it quick though” he said. Once she was out of the class she dialed Kevin’s number and held the phone to her ear. “Hello?” someone said on the other side.
“Ya. Hey Jess. The Gang is moving and they might be headed towards us. Be ready to leave with any excuse.”
“Ok, bye”. Hanging up the phone she quickly walked back into the room. Only a few minuets after she sat down, Jessica heard the intercom go off. “Please excuse this interruption. Would all students please be packed up and ready to go? Thank you”. No one knew why they were getting packed up but then the intercom went off again and the same women said, “Would all students please leave the campus. Please stay clear of the football field. There is a bomb of some sort”. No one really cared, the school always gets bomb threats like this. There once was even a real bomb but there was no way to detonate it, so no one ever took these seriously. Jessica was still a little worried. This might be the Gang. She relaxed a little bit as she stepped on to her bus, lucky for her there were no middle schoolers. God she hated them so much, annoying little brats. Jessica sat down in her usual spot and started talking to some of her friends. She saw Kevin through the corner of her eye. He was limping as fast as he could back into the school; Jessica thought he probably forgot something. Just as the busses were about to leave, everyone felt a small rumble that wasn’t the bus turning on. People thought that it was just a small earthquake, until a girl screamed pointing towards the football field. A large cloud of smoke was billowing from the football field. Large chunks of dirt and grass fell from the sky, making dents in the busses. Jessica just stared in disbelief; the Gang actually attacked them at school, meaning, they aren’t safe anywhere.
A buzz in her pocket snapped her back to attention and she quickly realized it was Kevin calling her. With extreme haste, she pulled out her cell phone and opened it saying, “Hello?”
Kevin was on the other side nearly screaming in her ear. “JESS, GET TO THE FOOTBALL FIELD NOW!”
“Ok”. Running down the aisle to the door she jumped over back-packs and any other obstacle in her way. Without even bothering to ask the bus driver, she opened the valve that kept all the air in to open the doors and shoved the doors open. Once she outside she quickly sprouted her wings and kick off the ground. Before she even got past the buses, she heard small objects whizzing by her; it almost sounded like rocks flying by her. She looked down to where she thought they where coming from and she saw a yellow female cat with a gun shooting at her. Jessica could see the flashes coming from the muzzle of the gun. Jessica flew as fast as she could to get out of the path of the bullets. Beating her wings as hard as she could until she reached the football field there she saw Kevin and Roy standing at one end and two other people at the other end. One of the unknown assailants was a grey female wolf and the other was a brown and black male fox. Once Jessica landed next to Roy, the same yellow cat walked up calmly up next to the wolf, all three of them had rifles. The female wolf, apparently the leader, just walked forward saying, “Well, well, well. Looky’ here. When the Gang’s away the Freaks will play. Now what are we going do with this, we have three super powerful Freaks confronting us.”
Kevin stepped forward just as much as she did. Kevin had no intention of fight them, he was going to see if he could try and solve this problem without anyone getting hurt, mainly the Gang members. “Hello there. How can we help you?” Kevin asked very calmly.
“Weeeell, you could help us by dying.” The female wolf replied just as calmly. Jessica and Roy just wondered how they did it. This is a war now. You don’t have civilized conversations in war. Roy could see the Gang members were just as stumped as he and Jessica were. “I was hoping we could help you without violence”, Kevin replied with a chuckle. “Sorry. Order are orders”, the female wolf said with an evil laugh. She quickly cocked her gun and aimed at Kevin. Kevin held up his hands, still not panicking, thinking he could still resolve this. He slowly backed up to rejoin Roy and Jessica. He still didn’t have a worried look. The other two furries joined the female wolf with guns loaded and aimed. “These two have never killed a freak before so thank you for giving them the chance”, she said with a wry smile. “Well I’m still hoping it won’t come to that”.
“We never take away a chance for out new soldiers to get a kill”. Then Kevin’s relaxed look faded as he realized he couldn’t stop them. She was right, the Gang has let freaks would couldn’t do more that make a straw twitch with their mind go before, but even with such a minute ability, if new members escorted a veteran, the death rate was 100%. They are going to shoot. None of their powers could stop bullets. Kevin could see the lead projectiles ripping through Jessica’s wings, bloodying them, killing her. Then he thought about Roy. His fur glistening with blood as the light of life faded from his eyes. Then Kevin could almost feel the pain of dozens of bullets piercing his own body. The dizziness as his own life is ended untimely. Kevin almost cried when he heard the female wolf yell to the two behind her, “Ready to get your first kill?”. Kevin looked away when he heard the group c**k their guns to shoot. “This is it”, Kevin thought in his mind. By their expressions, Jessica and Roy had the same thoughts. A tear slowly rolled down Jessica’s cheek as she gave a small little sniff. A little voice started talking in Kevin’s mind. It kept saying, “no, No, NO”. He felt a wave of emotions wash over him, anger dominating the wave. The anger was soon followed by an overwhelming surge of power. Kevin closed his eyes to take control of the new found power. Once he opened his eyes, they glowed a light blue. As his eyes got brighter, lightning started to crawl from them. The lightning jumped off his face as it reached the back of his head. The immense power he felt was coupled with the anger he felt towards the gang members. Now the two new Gang members had scared looks on their faces and even the female wolf narrowed her eyes trying to figure out what he was doing. Kevin clenched his fist and held his head up with them. He just shook his head saying, “No. No. No”. The female wolf just laughed and said, “No what? Your still going to die”.
Kevin looked up and said through clenched teeth, “NO! Not today”. The female wolf just laughed. “What do you plan to do about it?” she asked. It was everything Kevin could do not to loose his temper, but anger kept swelling up inside of him. The lightning from his eyes was larger and large until Kevin let out a carnal yell. Electricity swirled around him like an aura and it only grew until he was fully engulfed in pure lightning. The female wolf panic and started to shoot but any bullets that touch the aura turned into dust. The aura broke apart anything that it touched. The other two started to fire on Kevin as well, but their bullets meet the same fate. Kevin slowly started to walk towards them. In a altered voice he yelled, “You want to kill us? Then you got to go through me!”. Each step left behind a pool of lightning. The group started to back up they fired upon Kevin. Seeing that guns were useless, the two new members pulled out bats from a bag at their feet. The female wolf pulled out a two-way radio and started yelling something inaudible over the sound of her gun shooting. She then stopped and told the other two to run but they either didn’t hear her or ignored her. The fox ran towards Kevin with the bat held high in the air. While jumping up, he swung the bat down on Kevin’s head. In an almost blind movement, Kevin reached his right hand up and stopped the bat with one arm. The fox just stared dumbfounded as Kevin started to squeeze the bat. With a loud crack, Kevin crushed the bat with his bare hands. The fox looked up as he meet Kevin’s gaze of pure hatred. While still holding the bat, Kevin reared back his left hand and shot it forward into the fox’s chest. The fox went flying towards the end of the field. He hit the goal posts and fell on the ground either unconscious or dead, most likely just unconscious. As the fox passed over their heads, the female wolf and cat watch as he hit the posts with a painful, bamf. They turned back to Kevin, who let the bat slowly fall out of his hands. Splinters clattered on the grass shortly followed by the two use-to-be bat pieces. The female wolf looked at Roy and Jessica who were just as awestruck as she was. Jessica had seen him mad before when they were on the stage at the FRA, but never like this. Roy, who has only seen Kevin’s power a few times himself, was completely shocked at the raw power Kevin possessed. The cat was the first to make another move. She started to run towards Kevin and swung her bats at him as well, but Kevin grabbed it and just threw it behind him. Roy and Jessica had to dive to have the bat miss them. The bat cracked once it hit the other goal post. Kevin grabbed the cat by the collar and lifted her off the ground. The cat beg and pleaded with Kevin but nothing was heard over the deafening sound of electricity crackling and Kevin‘s blind anger. With a quick motion, Kevin had the cat hoisted up over his head and he threw her towards the goal post to join the fox. She hit harder than the fox did and she too joined him on the ground. The female wolf pulled out her two way radio again and yelled into, “NOW!”. Dozens of furries started to appear from the woods. The female wolf had been calling back up. They all lined up in a mock formation. The female wolf just smirked at Kevin and said, “Not bad! But try 22 men, all armed and trained”. To Kevin it didn’t mater if it was 22 or 222 they would all pay just the same. Kevin was just about to move forward when he heard someone panting. He turned to see Chana, (Shaw-na), running up with three of her friends, all of them had some sort of weapon. “Ah. Your back up, huh? Well good luck”. In the middle of the line up, a gap was made and a large black bear, who Kevin recognized to be the old Gang leader here, Manty Carlosa. In his hand was an RPG, a rocket propelled grenade. He laughed and pointed it at Kevin. Kevin was still wary of Chana and her friends walking up to help them. Kevin returned the female wolf’s smirk. He knew that if anything touched him it would instantly be incinerated, but just to have fun with the group he would try something different.
Manty fired the rocket and it went in a cloud of smoke. Kevin instantly sent a charge into the rocket before it was anywhere close to him. He disabled the rocket and sent an electromagnetic field around it to slow it down. Once it was slow enough he caught it like a football. He held up the grenade and waved it around to let all the lined-up Gang members see. They just laughed, all of them muttering something inaudible. Manty just pointed at the grenade. Kevin looked at its side to find nothing. Then Manty motioned to flip it over. While narrowing his eyes, Kevin slowly lifted it over to find a timer with 15 seconds left. Kevin knew instantly why they were laughing, the grenade was timed, and it was set to explode in only 10 more seconds. Kevin had to hurry. He threw the grenade towards the woods to his right. He took a sigh of relief as he saw the grenade heads towards the forest. Kevin looked back and smirked at the Gang, who all growled in anger. Kevin put his aura back on in a blaze of light, just to startle the Gang. Before Kevin could take another step, he heard a rocket start up. He looked to his right to see the grenade spiraling with the rocket streaming from the bottom. Once it regained balance, the grenade headed towards the school. Kevin saw it go by and saw it only had five seconds until detonation. The rocket stopped and the grenade started to fall. Chana and her friends had made it up the hill completely. Chana was a black and white skunk and her friends were some kind of dog. One had a metal pipe in his hand and the other had a long branch, probably taken from one of the trees.
The grenade kept falling and falling until it impacted the ground. Chana was the first to get on the football field, her other friends were still on the path leading to the bleachers. She hopped the fence and ran to join Roy and Jessica, but she didn’t see the grenade planted under her feet. As she started to run towards Roy and Jessica, the timer hit zero. It exploded with a large, earsplitting crack. Because it was buried in the ground, any shrapnel and fire was absorbed by the earth. Chana was shot forward and bounced off the ground. She rolled a couple times before she stopped. She was on the ground, bleeding and coughing. Kevin knew she was in trouble. Because she wasn’t killed from the shrapnel, the full force of the shockwave from the grenade. When a shockwave from an explosion passes through you, it passes through all of your organs; And when a shockwave passes through your lungs, it makes them bleed, so you will drown in your own blood. Chana got the full impact of the shockwave so she will die if she doesn’t stop bleeding. She only has one choice. The serum that make normal people freaks has another unforeseen side affect. For some reason, the cells in one’s body, when administered the treatment, somehow get the signal to multiply and do it at an extremely fast rate. So any cuts bruises, broken bone, etcetera, were quickly healed. Chana was bleeding internally so it had to be stopped using this way.
In order to get Chana to the FRA base quickly and safely, Kevin has to end this conflict fast. The only way to do that was to seriously hurt them all. Kevin had hoped it wouldn’t come to this but he had no choice, with time against him. He turned to Jessica and told her to cut the power line and let fall towards him. Jessica was in the air in a flash and was on top of the power line, trying to loosen the cable. Once it was loose, she let it fall towards Kevin, who grabbed it and started to absorb as much power as possible. Dark storm clouds started to swirl over head. Several strikes of lightning streaks across the sky. The aura that once surrounded Kevin returned in a large surge. The entire Gang had looks of horror upon their faces, they now knew nothing could kill this wolf. Kevin let all his energy flow to his finger tips, where it eagerly waited to be unleashed. Lightning swirled around Kevin’s arms as he let the power line go, completely drained of any power left in it. The lightning swirled through his claws until it started to pool in his hands. More and more electricity gathered to form large orbs in each of his palms. He simply pointed his palms towards the lined up Gang members. For a split second nothing happened, but once Kevin pumped that last little bit into the orbs, the orbs ruptured and let spill out thousand of mega-watts of electricity. The lightning streaks towards the Gang at such speeds that it was almost too fast to see. Once the streaks hit the first gang member, It quickly spread towards the next member. Then it spread to all of them. The stream just dissipated as it hit the female wolf last. All of the stricken Gang members lay on the ground. Kevin didn’t care for their well being, he only cared about getting Chana the treatment. He yelled to Jessica to get Chana to the FRA base a quickly as possible, he and Roy would follow on Kevin’s ATV. Roy hopped on the back of the ATV and Kevin limped onto the cushion seat. The quad roared to life and Kevin sped out of the parking lot. He cut off several cars passing by. They honked and beeped at him profusely, but Kevin paid them no attention. He drove right under Jessica for thirty miles until they reached the edge of the forest. Kevin drove his ATV onto the rock terrain and traveled west following Jessica. Roy was holding onto the back rack for dear life as Kevin moved the ATV in ways that almost defied the laws of physics. Kevin was lifting the left side wheels off the ground to narrowly miss large rocks and trees. Kevin was not paying attention to anything but getting to the base in time. He looked up to check on Jessica and Chana, they seemed to be doing alright. Kevin could see the strain on Jessica’s face. “Almost there Jess!” he called to her. Jessica continued looking straight forward and gave a small nod. Kevin turned his attention back to his path. Roy was still holding on for his life. His breathing was extremely heavy, like he has been running. Roy tried to get Kevin to slow down many times but to no avail. One time Kevin speed up when Roy asked him to slow down, just to startle his friend. After the white-knuckle time, they finally saw the first sign of the base. Chana was coughing up globs of blood, her lungs were almost too full of blood.
They got to the base and the guards instantly recognized Kevin and Jessica and later Roy, once he was in view. Kevin yelled at them to open the gates and send for a medical team. They arrived three minuets later and put her on a make-shift stretcher. They ran to bring her into the informatory and Kevin ran alongside them to explain what happened. They knew the only cure. They told Kevin they had it now so Kevin watched as she sped off into the informatory doors.
Jessica, Roy, and Kevin waited in their rooms for news on Chana. All of them felt tired. Jessica was sore from carrying Chana all the way here, and she had to do it because if she rode on the back of the ATV, she would have been jostled around which would have increased the rate she was bleeding. Kevin was tired from his confrontation of the Death 2F Gang, he had used more power than he thought. Roy was tired just because he was lazy. Normally, he would have gone home and plopped his furry butt on the couch and watch TV.
They had been waiting for twenty minuets before the doctor cam out with a clip-board. He was a golden retriever with creamy yellow splotches on his face and arms. Kevin stood up as soon as he saw the doctor coming. Jessica and Roy quickly followed his actions to hear the doctors verdict. The doctor looked up to see the three walk towards him slowly. He gave a sigh and said, “We administered the treatment and the bleeding stopped but there is still so much blood in her lungs to definitively say whether she’ll make it or not. You just barley got her here in time I’m afraid. The rest is up to her”. With that, the doctor walked away.
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