The rest of that day was total chaos. Neither Kevin nor Jessica could find time to be alone, with each other or by themselves. It seems that every furry in the building was doing the exact opposite of what Daniel said. Everyone kept enticing and annoying Kevin even though Daniel said to not get close to the wolf, much less annoy him. Several times he was about to electrocute several people, but every time Jessica calmed Kevin down. What annoyed Kevin the most were the questions. Some asked good questions like “What else can you do with electricity?”. But some asked stupid questions like why Kevin thinks he got the power to control electricity. When it was time to retire to their quarters, Kevin was extremely happy. No more nagging. Kevin and Jessica were put in the same room. It was a metal room with two beds and one old coffee stand. Each bed had a sheet and comforter. It wasn’t much but it was enough. Sleep came over both of them easily. They gladly drifted to sleep, away from every thing outside these walls.
Kevin awoke to the sound of an alarm going off. Apparently Jessica also woke up.
“What time is it?” Jessica asked through a yawn.
Pulling out his cell-phone, he said “9:30”.
A voice over an intercom, that neither of the two noticed earlier, startled them. The voiced said “everyone please report to the meeting room. We will hold a discussion on current happenings”.
Kevin thought that the voice sounded familiar and that he knew it from somewhere else. He just couldn’t put his finger on where he heard it before. Giving a slight shrug to him self, he opened the door to find two guards positioned out side the door. It was the same bull and rabbit as before.
“The boss had instructed us to bring to a special section of the meeting room. Please follow us.” the bull said.
Aside to Jessica he said, “Wow. We’re getting the ’special’ section”.
Laughing at his joke, the two turned towards a door that had loud mummers coming from the other side. When the door opened they were escorted inside. This room seemed more like an attic than a meeting room. When the two guards left, they locked the door behind them. Both Kevin and Jessica were starting to get worried. The had no idea of what was to happen next.
They heard Daniels voice below them. “My fellow freaks, today is a great day. We found, yesterday, two new additions to our army. The first is Jessica Cune, a fox who can sprout wing from her back. The other is more of a mystery to us. He is the wolf most of you saw earlier, Kevin Torn. He can apparently control electricity”. This sparked a whispering among the crowd. “We will find out just what he can do today. Open the door”.
Not understanding what Daniel meant by “door”, Kevin turned to Jessica, who gave a little shrug. They then heard a creaking from below them. Suddenly, the floor below them gave out and they were then falling. Instinctively, Jessica pulled out her wings, but she didn’t have enough time to catch Kevin before he quickly traveled the 15 ft to the ground. Kevin impacted the stage with a loud slam. “De’javu” he thought. As he got up, all eyes were staring at him.
“Why didn’t you slow yourself like you did when fell before?” Daniel asked.
“Because this time,” Kevin said looking up at the trap door, “ I had all of one quarter of a second to do something about me falling. Any particular reason you dropped me from an attic?”
“We wanted to see you slow your self again, sadly you failed. No matter we will find out what you can do.” Daniel said giving a nod to the four men off stage. They walked out in a formation shaped like a triangle. The two in the back had wooden bats.
“You will fight these men. I wish to show everyone the power of our newest members. You must use your ability or else you friend dies.” Daniel said, pointing to Jessica off stage with a knife at her throat. The rabbit who had escorted him earlier was the knife-man. Kevin reminded himself to get back at the rabbit. He turned his attention back to the four men in front of him. He felt his instincts take over. He no longer viewed the men in front of him as people, but as prey. He let his anger control him, fill him up, give him power. His eyes started to glow blue as more and more electricity was readied for his use. The group took one step closer and then all hell broke loose. An electrical surge caused the lights to flicker. The whispering got louder and louder. Then a scream was heard as Kevin’s eyes started to spark. With his usable energy ready, he used an eighth of his power in a orb like he had used at the school. But this ball had so much more energy, it turned to the size of a basketball. The wolf pointed it at the group and launched it at the ground about two feet in front of them. The orb expanded and bursts in the face of the attacking men. All four of them were knocked back to the wall back stage. The man that was the tip of the triangle formation had electrical burns. The second row of men had just cuts and bruises and the last row just got knocked back.
“There. You happy? Or do I need to demonstrate again?” Kevin asked pointing his palm at Daniel.
“I only used an eight of my power. You don’t want to see what all of it can do. Tell your rabbit to let go of my friend, or I will kill everyone.” Kevin demanded.
“Do what he says.” Daniel said to the rabbit.
“That will be all for this meeting. The council will decide what to do. Return to your quarters. No activities today.” Daniel said to the crowd. “You two”, he said pointing at Kevin and Jessica. “Come with me.”
As Kevin and Jessica followed Daniel, they were given feared looks by every furry they passed. Jessica wondered if this would be like what will happen back at their school, everyone fearing them. Jessica told Kevin about her thoughts.
“It might be even worse than this. You have to remember that a lot of people here a freaks and yet their still scared.” Kevin said.
“Not just a lot. Everyone. There is not a single person here who is not a freak.” Daniel interjected.
As the group reached the end of the hall, the only thing that greeted them was a plain grey door, but what greeted them on the other side was much more elaborate. There was a large theater that had rows after rows of cushioned seats. In the center of the theater was a large stage that had the look of a court room. In the middle of the stage was five older looking furries. One was a male mouse, who looked a lot like Daniel. Another was a female dragon, with bluish black scales, followed by a white, female rabbit, a brown, male cat and a , black, male bear.
“The debate will now begin. How are you doing Daniel?” the mouse said.
“Hey dad. I‘m alright.” Daniel said to the other mouse
“Ok Daniel, what have you got for us?” the dragon said.
“These two were found yesterday flying over our camp. And I thought we should have them join.” Daniel said pointing to the wolf and vixen.
“Wait. Did you say ‘fly’?” the rabbit asked.
“Yes. The vixen has wings, and the wolf has a power that I have never seen before. He can control electricity.”
Each of the five gave gasps, starring wide eye at the wolf.
“They are both from the Issaquah area and I think that we should have them join so we can have members posted there.” Daniel said.
“Do they know about our operation?” the cat asked.
“No. I haven’t told them.” Daniel answered.
“I’ll do it,” the older mouse said, turning two Kevin and Jessica. "As you might know, everyone in this proximity is a freak. What few people know is that the Government has been taking freaks who break the law and doing experimental test on them. After three years of testing, they have recently had a positive test.”
“What are they testing?” Jessica asked.
“They are testing a cure for the genetic code for Fricandeaus Maxium. They can cure the freak’s powers and chance of spreading the code. But we have been able to do experiments of our own. They have been able to make freaks normal, but we have been able to make normal people into freaks. We have made this facility to train freaks to use their powers. We are all fighting for freak freedom. The Government has no right to control anyone’s power. We want you to join the fight. We need someone in the Issaquah area to keep track of the Government. Will you help us with our quest?”
Kevin and Jessica needed a second to take in all of this new information. They didn’t know what to think about either the Government or the new found FRA. Kevin looked at Jessica to try and see what she thought. She looked just as puzzled as he was.
“What do you think?” Kevin asked her.
Without hesitating she turned to the wolf and said, “We should do it.”
“Are you sure? This could put our lives at risk.”
“I don’t care. I hate the Government already. I want to fight them every step of the way.”
“Alright”, he said turning to the rest of the group. “We’ll do it.”
After the meeting, Jessica and Kevin were escorted to their quarters. They were about to go through what was called the initiation ceremony. Neither of them knew what was about to happen. Jessica thought that maybe it was something like the Government’s treatment, something like an anti-sterilization. She told Kevin her idea.
“Maybe. I don’t know, that seems a little extreme. Besides, the Government has every treated freak on record. If they found out that one of them had a litter, they would instantly know that the mother or father was part of this group. It would be too much of risk.” He said.
“I guess. I wonder how much longer it will be.”
As if on cue, Daniel walked in followed by the same rabbit as before. The look on both of their faces looked a lot more relaxed and much less hostile as when they first found Kevin and Jessica.
“Come on guys. We’re ready for you.” Daniel said.
While walking down a hall way the neither Kevin nor Jessica remember seeing, everyone they passed did not have the same looks of fear that they had earlier. After about twenty minuets of walking, the group finally reached the end of the hallway. What greeted them was a door the looked more like a house’s front door than a door for a training facility. The rabbit opened the door and let Daniel, Kevin and Jessica walk in. Without stepping in himself, Frank closed the door behind Jessica. Inside, the room looked like a dance club. There were lights everywhere and in the middle was what looked like a DJ stand.
“This is our club area. We let older troops have parties here. But not only does is it get used as a club,” he said pulling down a lever near the wall, “it is also used as our battle chamber.”
There was the loud noise of gears and motors running. The floor moved back into the walls, quickly being replaced by another floor rising up, but this one had a maroon color carpet on it. The carpet looked thicker than normal carpets. There was a rack near one of the walls with almost every weapon imaginable. All of them were close combat weapons, swords, knives, and more. Any idea that either Jessica or Kevin had was erased and replaced with new ones.
“The orientation is that each of you will fight one of our members. Jessica, you have several choices to choose from. But Kevin, you only have two.” Daniel said
“What?” Kevin asked. “Why?”
“Because we couldn’t find anyone who was willing to fight you. Everyone is afraid of you.”
The shocked Kevin. He knew that he was powerful, but he didn’t expect people to fear him. He just wondered who he had to fight. He was even more curious to find out how big the people he had to fight.
Jessica was up first. She had about fifteen different people to choose from. She chose a brown fox. He had brown fur everywhere that was visible. She got into the position that Daniel pointed out. She moved the two holes in her shirt so she could sprout her wings. Once her wings were out, the fox just smiled.
“Ready? Fight!” Daniel yelled.
Kevin didn’t know what to expect from Jessica. He didn’t know that she trained herself to fight from the air. The fight didn’t last long. As soon as the brown fox lunged at Jessica, she shot upwards. After he turned and was off balance, Jessica swooped down and delivered a good kick square to the fox’s forehead, instantly knocking him out. Kevin’s jaw dropped. He did not expect that from Jessica.
“How did you-. When did-… What was that?” Kevin asked.
“I’ve been training in my room. I had to stop because every time I fell, I always landed really loudly.” She said.
Up next was Kevin. To his surprise, both of his choices were not what he expected. He recognized Justin, the cat who talked to him earlier, and another cat who was an off white color. Kevin chose to fight Justin, curious at what the little cat could do.
“Be careful Kevin, I’m more than I seem.” Justin warned.
“Ready? Fight!”
On “fight”, Justin lunged with incredible speed. Before Kevin could throw a counter punch, Justin already kicked him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of Kevin. Justin landed gracefully on his feat, while Kevin Landed on his back ten feet away, trying to breathe. Once Kevin got his breath back, he lunged at Justin. A smile grew on the cat’s muzzle. Justin put his hand in front of him, making the attacking wolf hesitant. Giving a mighty yell, Justin used his gift. Kevin felt an unknown force push him. The force kept pushing him until he was against the wall. The Kevin saw a slight surge come from the cat’s hand, Justin was doing this.
“Justin here can push anything away with his mind. Nothing is to big.” Daniel said to Jessica, loud enough that Kevin could hear.
Justin let Kevin down from the wall, Justin could move things but not continuously. Kevin fell with a loud thump. Kevin got up and looked at the cat. With a smile he said, “My turn”.
Kevin used the same move he had at the meeting room, but it looked different somehow. The orb seemed a bit lighter than is had the first time Kevin used it. Kevin’s smile got even bigger as he saw the puzzled look Justin had. What Kevin did was he made the orb in his right hand negatively charged. He made another orb in his right hand positively charged. Once both of them had about the same voltage, he rammed the two together. The orbs, being opposites and attracting each other, joining together. Jessica had seen Kevin use this move once, so she knew what to expect. Just before the two orbs completely fused together, Kevin ripped them apart, causing a huge shockwave. The wave headed towards Justin and the other cat. Once the shockwave hit Justin, he went flying up, followed by the brown cat behind him. Both of them bounced of the ground upon landing. From Justin there was an audible crack. Medics quickly came through the door and attended to Justin and the other cat.
“How did he do that?” Daniel asked Jessica.
“Kevin explained it to me once. I think he said that the negative and positive attraction is so powerful that when ripped apart, it’s like splitting an atom. Huge amounts of energy are released.” she replied.
Kevin walked towards Jessica and Daniel with a slight grin on his face. “Congratulations. You are both now members of the FRA.” Daniel said with a grin
The first few days back at school for Kevin and Jessica could only be described as weird. The first day they got back, the Government was all over them. Once Kevin got to tell them that they had to use their powers to defend themselves against the Death 2F Gang, the Government relaxed and got off their cases. However, as soon as they got the names of the Gang members that attacked them, the Gang was arrested. Apparently the Death 2F Gang was an illegal group, not only for murder but also for federal crimes. The first three days were like hell. No one would talk to them, everyone gave them at least a five foot radius when walking by, and worst of all everyone started to panic each time they spoke. Even the teachers seemed intimidated by them.
“Well, you were right. It is worse than the camp.” Jessica said one passing period.
“You seemed surprised. You can fly and I can control electricity, what reaction did you expect.” Kevin said.
As Kevin looked back into the classroom Jessica came out of, Roy popped out with out even saying hi to either Kevin or Jessica. He still felt horrible about exposing them.
“Roy. Come back.” Kevin called.
Roy hesitantly turned back to the two and walked towards them, not making eye contact.
“Roy, we’re ok. Things will return to normal. We aren’t mad at you for exposing us. Please. We just want our friend back.” Kevin said.
Finally making eye contact with the two, Roy Gave his goofy smile and said, “Ok”.
All three of them knew one thing would change. life was definitely getting interesting.
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