She stands without saying a word, standing next to table with three cards on it. Many stand far, slightly worried of her and some go close only to run off. With bravery, and a bet from your friends, you shakily walk up to her stand. No emotion runs over her face. Her soul stealer flies behind her, waiting with a crazy smile. A gun rests in her one hand as her other hand rests on the table, close to her cards.
"Well...what do you do?" You ask with hesitance.
"Find the Ace. If you win you walk away and if you lose..." The setence isn't finished. You stare at her with fear.
"What kind of bet is that?" You ask with slight anger. With vigor you walk over to your friends to tell them no when she speaks louder for the entire place, including your friends to hear.
"Once you start talking you've already begun the game. If you walk off now you lose..." She didn't finish her threat but you had a feeling walking off would not be happening without playing the game. You walk back up to the table and she begins to shuffle the cards without breaking eye contact. Then silently she stops. You stare at the cards for a minute, trying to see through them. Finally, her eyes piercing you with fear, you point to the one with the middle. Her eyes tell nothing but she silently lifts the one on the left. In her one hand she holds the ace, in the other her gun. Behind her the soul stealer's eyes blared red.
"Wrong move." She smirked and the town scattered.