This is probably not even interesting to you in anyway..but you'll read it..won't you?
So..I was sitting at my computer..eating an amazing bowl of Macaroni&Cheese (I know you Computer freaks like me eat at the computer too...Unless of course your conscious of your cpu's safely around sticky foods etc.) and I thought.."Well damn..All this cheese is making me thristy!" <-or something like that..and got up to see what was in the good ol' frigerator.
As I entered the kitchen, opening the door on the fridge...I realized I had several choices on what to drink.
Choice 1: Milk
I really didn't want the over constipation with that..if you know what I mean.
Choice 2: Tea
This was a down for me again. The tea sucks because our town water sucks equaling in tea sucking. Yeah.
Choice 3: A half full bottle of Red Grape cocktail wine.
Now...this was just what I was looking for. That tangy spice to my Mac!
So, I took the whole bottle...(Knowing no one else in my house would drink it because it was from a New Years party)...and took my leave back to my computer desk.
There I a comical scene of drinking a half-full bottle of wine and eating my bowl of Mac&Cheese.
My wonderful combination. Wine..and Cheese. Ah. xD
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![]() Lsfosdkf___2 Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
i how did that taste anyways biggrin lol