Chapter 1: First Steps
At first, Abee could see only darkness. He did not understand what was going on, but it felt like he was alive for the first time. And he was. He was growing accustomed to his senses, one at a time and hearing came first. "Hello?" he heard a woman's voice say, "Can you hear me?" Abee didn't know how he did it, but he nodded. "That's good." she said again. "Open your eyes." Abee obeyed. His eyes had to adjust to the light, but when they did, he found himself in a sort of hospital room, or at least, a room that looked like it. He found himself flat against the surface of a metal table staring up at the ceiling. Abee turned his head and found that he wasn't alone. Two other people were there with him. One was a woman with long black hair that reached around her waist and golden eyes framed by tinted glasses, garbed in a sort of scientist's outfit. The other was a man with long blond hair and dark eyes, garbed in a sort of military outfit. He was wrapping his right arm in cloth, smiling at Abee. "Perfect, as usual." The woman smirked at her companion. "Perfect looking." The man said to her, sounding a little concerned. "We have been fooled before." "That was a one time deal." She sneered at him.
"All I'm saying is, Let's test it." the man said, standing up. "If you say so." the woman agreed, knocking a book from a table nearby. How it happened baffled Abee, but he felt a surge of power through him and, for some reason, the book stopped mid-fall and levitated back up to the table. The woman smiled at the man and said, "See? What did I tell you?" The man merely nodded. The woman turned back to Abee and offered her hand, "Welcome. My name is Gayelette, the Witch of the West." Abee was hesitant to take her hand, but did so anyway. Gayelette smiled and gestured to the man behind her, "This is my righthand man, Fiyero. You could consider him an...older brother." "Thank you." Fiyero said to his boss.
"Can you speak?" Gayelette asked. Abee tried, "I...I...I think so." Gayelette applauded, "Good job." She offered her hand again. Abee grabbed a hold of it, but this time, Gayelette pulled him up onto his feet. Abee staggered a bit and fell into her arms at least twice, but soon grew used to being on his feet. "I know that you'll love it here." Gayelette smiled. "Fiyero, could you escort him to his room?" "Of course." Fiyero bowed and placed his hand on the middle of Abee's back. Abee could've sworn that, as they passed a mirror, that he looked almost exactly like Fiyero. His hair was blond and his eyes were dark, confusing Abee for a minute. "So, does he get a number?" Gayelette heard behind her. She turned and found two more blond-haired, dark-eyed men standing there, one with hair long enough for a small low ponytail, the other with flowing hair reaching his neck, a strap running across his forehead, bearing a sun emblem on it. "Ah, Number 4 and Number 50. Pleasure to see you...No, I don't think he gets a number." "Why?" Number 50 asked. "Just to shake things up." Gayelette said. "I'll give him a codename...Codename: Scarecrow."
Ta-da! This is the second of the theroy prolouge series of Dorothy of Oz. ^-^ Cool? The only non-canon character in this is my Number 4. There was a Number 4 in the series, but this Number 4 was the original.
P.S. We may actually never know the real name of the Witch of the West but from the map of Oz that came with the book, my grandma and I both think that it's Gayelette.
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Love is pointless.
Yes, someone hurt me. Three guesses who. Guess wrong and I cut you too.
Yes, someone hurt me. Three guesses who. Guess wrong and I cut you too.