Naomi stared out the window from her room looking down at the courtyard. She was to go meet her husband. This would be the first time she saw his face. She was wearing a red dress and a matching bow in her hair. She had known for a while, since she was 8, that she would be married to somebody not of her choice. Back then she didn't know it would be so painful. Now 10 years later it crushed her heart. But she couldn't show that. She knew she was lucky, most girls did not even get to meet their husbands until the day they were to be married. Still in her heart though she wasn't sure she could take it. Her eyes started to water. She wiped the tears away with a handkerchief her grandmother had embroidered Naomi's initials in gold silk. There was a knock at the door and her mother the Queen came in. Seeing her daughter's expression she tried to comfort her. "You look very beautiful in that dress dear. It was mine when I met your father you know. I know its hard darling but your father and I learned to get along well enough. We had an arranged marriage too you know"she said hoping to brighten things. "Yes I know mother...Can we just go"Naomi asked sniffling. She walked to the door and started down the many flights of stairs her mother following behind.
_ChoKlitBunnie_ · Wed Dec 31, 2008 @ 06:26am · 0 Comments |