The air was crisp, the wind was picking up, and the landscape was covered in a white blanket of snow. It had been snowing for a week almost. Alice was briskly walking home to get back to her Grandfather. He was quite ill. That is why she was out. Since he had gotten sick Alice had to run his errands. This time she was delivering a scroll to one of her Grandfathers friends. Although she loved the outdoors she did not have time to slack off. When she got home she would likely have to cook supper and clean the house. She was at the bottom of the hill and could see the little hut they lived in at the top. She paused to breathe in the fresh air and looked around a bit and saw somebody dash from tree to tree, somebody was following her.
_ChoKlitBunnie_ · Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 07:36am · 0 Comments |