My friends all think that this avi is pretty ^^ It's all about the dress. I fell in love with it the moment that I laid eyes on it. heart heart @ dress. I love the nice clean lines and the blue beads at the bottom. More importantly, it comes cheap (less than 5,000 gold). I'm a cheapskate when it comes to gaming as I don't earn gold as fast as others (in fact, I think I don't earn gold as fast as the slow gold earners >.< wink .
Unfortunately, my wishlist has ballooned into 10 or so items from the four item wishlist I had prior to being avi-artistic. I remember the first avi I submitted into arena had on items that are less than 20gold in value (except for the hat which was a gift from iGinuh).
I believe that I am getting too vain. With the rate I'm going, I'll have 50 items in my wishlist by my third month in Gaia! eek
Light_Fantastic · Tue Dec 30, 2008 @ 08:53am · 0 Comments |