Whats new? Well anyway I have decided that if I want to be an editor when I'm older might as well start working on like a column or something so I have decided to turn my journal into a freelance column. I just got this feeling yesterday, so bear with me! biggrin
Have you every wonder if saying I love you is beginning to be overrated? I mean that saying I love you to a person nowdays, they either get freaked out and say I think this relationship is moving to fast..you get my drift, or they say I love you back and start thinking woah! What's going on, I thought everything was going great and then you drop the "L" word down? It could also be that the "L" word is also used carelessly. I mean, people nowdays say the word "love" after knowing them for about month..I mean you start to think that after knowing me for a month you automatically love? Well, my question is when is the appropriate time to say "I love you"?
~"When some people talk to me, I can hardly wait for them to shut up. Like shut up, you're a moron, I have nothing to say to you." ~Billie Joe Armstrong (My Idol)~ ninja