I, myself, contributed my fair share of toys to raise cheer for the Cheer Coil to help return Santa's mind to his original body. See for yourself!
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I did pretty well huh? xd I even did some Caroling too. How did all the shop owners survive!? Why would you ask me a question like that!? Do you think I haven't got a good singing voice? My name is Donut. To lots hearing someone say, DONUT.. it's music to their ears! Listen to this!
*clears throat* *ahem* *me me me me meez*
*sings* scream Jingle bells.. jingle bells.. jingle a..*ack* gonk *stops singing* mad
Oh, who am I kidding.. rolleyes My singing voice sounds like a cat fight gone out of control! You can TUNA fish, but you can't tune a DONUT! Something like that. I heard some bloke say that in Barton Town. Some pun he told me that I just tried to tell you and 'butchered' it,, for lack of a better term. I don't even know if I like jingle bells.. Yikes, I sound just like Mopey the Elf. I've been hanging around him too long. You lot know Mopey the Elf right? You've seen him before? *nods head in agreement* Ok, ok. You only gathered the parts he needed for the toys and... and then you sent him on his way, right!
Well, I did that too. However Mopey isn't too bad of an Elf once you get to know him. Sure he's all... well, mopey... but you have a few rounds with him at the pub and he'll be cheers in no time. Here's what he told me, somewhat word for word.. from what I could recall.. Oi, I had a few rounds too ok, sheesh.. Ok he said this, "Misher do what, *hiccup* I done no I ee pull tink eye ish all waysh moe fee all dee TYME *hiccup* I has many a fun *hiccup*...
And at this point he passed out xp making the cutest little thunk noise as his head hit the bar top, a thunk that even sounded like a musical note. Even when the elves aren't trying to be musical they make that oddest sounds when they fall and stuff. rofl Oh and Mopey, mind you, had a serious case of the hiccups too. Anyhow, what I believe Mopey was trying to say was, He is really a cheerful person and he loves all the children in the world and loves the Holidays!
Merry Christmas everyone! The year 2009 is coming up too!!
Oh, and by the way, just between you and me.. I nearly prevented the transfer of minds from happening. You see, I just delivered my 29th toy to help raise cheer for Santa. I was one of the last to deliver a toy too. All eyes were on Santa and Santa cow, thankfully.. Even my eyes were. I walked behind the Cheer Coil and just then I tripped and accidentally disconnected a huge wire that fed the Cheer Coil. sweatdrop I scrambled up onto my feet and quickly reconnected the wire by plugging it back into the Cheer Coil. ninja At that very moment.. the Elftech flipped the switch!! eek I'M LUCKY TO BE ALIVE!! When I tripped I kinda dove into the X-mas tree and I got entangled in some lights.
After I was nearly electrocuted I was trying to free myself from those lights. I was really mixed in with them. What did I trip on you ask... Someone's Santa cow plushie.. Yup, someone left it there on the ground. It wasn't even in a box! And then I seen a flash. A flash from a camera, I thought to myself, "Great, just what I need.. to become infamous.. marked as the bloke who tried to ruin X-mas." I heard the man say, "Wow, this person is really into this Holiday Cheer, he even wrapped himself in lights!" stare
He even gave me a copy of the picture he'd taken. I'm just glad it was used in the newspaper. xd
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Happy Holidays!