Total Value: 363,541 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Orchid Brooch
Picolitrosso's Urn 9th Gen.
Black Musketeer Boots
Blade's Leggings
Shade Ghost Hunter Protective Gloves
Enchanted Book 2nd Gen.
Gold Prince's Rapier
Scar of the Warrior
Scar Of Duelist

Total Value: 382,582 Gold, 8,200 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Elegant Red Satin Vest
Elegant Black Lord's Shoes
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Elegant Red Satin Coat
Black Orchid Brooch
Picolitrosso's Urn 9th Gen.
Blade's Leggings
Shade Ghost Hunter Protective Gloves
Gold Prince's Rapier
Scar of the Warrior
Scar Of Duelist