The first entry of my little Journal! What shall I talk about? How about the weather? Ok!
It is freaking cold here! I don't like it! I suppose it is colder in most places other than here but none the less it is cold here too. I know for a fact in Austrailia they aren't as cold as I am here. But that is on the opposite side on the globe. But now that I think about it, I'd rather it be cold than hot. Because you can dress for the cold weather better than you can dress for the hot weather!
You can only get so cool in the hot weather before it become, "Oi, get some clothes on!!" rofl
Real quick, answer me this, "Which is faster, Heat or Cold!?" question
Heat is faster, because you can catch COLD! blaugh
No matter where you lot are located I want you to know this.. 'Keep warm or keep cool! Be safe for the holiday season and let's welcome in the new year with open arms. Cheers! razz
biggrin biggrin
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Mister_Donut's Two Donuts (Two Cents)
This will be just a place to write, type, about stuff that Is on my mind. It can be Serious. =| It can be silly =P It may even be about mischief }=] But mostly just me hearing myself type! ^_^
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