Not the first Christmas song to be stuck in my head lately. XD
I'd rather be humming Carol Of The Bells to myself, though.
But seriously, you gotta love that Georgia weather.
Just yesterday it was 70...
now, it's cold outside. Like 30-40 degrees, cold. And it's supposed to drop even more.
And I love it!
Now if we could only get some freak snow storm to blow through here...
And no yard work again!
Wow, so much for that busy weekend I was told I would have.
Oh well. XD
I seriously have nothing to do now, though.
I think I wore out Gaia's X-mas event, and I have to wait on Roliana's.
I've been on a drawing block ever since I drew my parent's Christmas present, and I'm out of books to read until this evening. XP
And I have people to call today, but I can't do that until later.
So... I'm BORED.
I do have to wash my dad's truck today,
which wouldn't be a big deal, only it's 40 degrees outside right now. D:
Don't ask me what he's thinking. I don't even know.
My only question is, why didn't he ask me to wash the truck two days ago, when it was 80 degrees out?
My dad, always picking the best times to do things...
I'm glad it's 40 degrees out right now, though. It feels good out there.
Like December SHOULD be, instead of freaking 80.
I had people looking at me weird earlier, because I was walking out to the mailbox in a short-sleeved shirt and no shoes. XD
I'm not immune to cold. I was freezing my butt off, but it was a quick run to the end of the driveway and back, so I didn't care.
Needless to say, I probably won't be liking it as much when I'm soaking wet from washing the Explorer.
Unlike my mom's car, I can't wash his truck and stay dry. It's too tall. I have to practically climb all over the damn thing to clean it.
So, pack on the layers and get ready to get soaked, I guess.
Maybe he'll come to his senses and change his mind.
In other news, my little cardinal friend, Bella (yes, I had it stuck in my brain from reading Twilight... but it sounded like a good name for a little bird, anyway) hasn't visited my window much lately, because Kilala has taken a liking to the window again.
But in Bella's place, there's a new bird who doesn't care about the cat being there, apparently. It pisses her off, too.
I don't know what kind of bird it is, but it's cute, and really small.
Currently, it's unnamed.
We also have two chickadees that enjoy sitting in the bush outside my window, and teasing Kilala. I started calling them Tweedle and Dee. I don't know which one is which. XD
And Kilala has recently discovered that my dad's computer has a touch screen, and that it does cool things if she pokes it.
Crap. XD