err well like 5 weeks ago sweatdrop lol so anyway:
there were 575 vampires surrounding me (lol i know) and they all bit me eek
then they dissapeared and i was in pain. then all my friend apeared and i KILLED them all! eek except my friends Travis Christina and..uhm...i think Lauren i cant remember...but anyway...them a huge wolf tackled me (and it was my other friend that i didn't kill lol) and he was dark brown and my other freind that i didn't kill was standing wright next to him and he as pitch black...then i woke up XP
ok another 1~:
i was talking to Brandon and when he left a car came by and there was a guy staring at me in it and i swear his eyes turned cat/snake like! and he took out i gun and i ran to the side of the school and jumped through the class window (i know why not use the door? idk it MY dream) and i told everyone "THERES A GUY WITH A GUN OUTSIDE!" and every one huddled in the corner =_=" and they all got shot except me christina Jamie and Brandon then Christina got shot in the arm(not killed) and he killed Jamie then we jumped out the window and ran to my house(idk y) cuz my house was close! and then he caught Brandon at the sand pit and asked him "where are they going" he said "idk running away maybe?" then the guy left him there alive! and i was behind my house and Christina was in the woods and when the guy came close he ran into a tree branch and stabbed right trough him and then the next thing i know i'm on the hammock drinking juice O.O

I'm a Douche Canoe -insert awesome face here-
PM me if you want to talk with me.