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Peachie15's Journal
good morning! i'm having a good morning. woo!! it's almost christmas!! less than a week!! WOO! rofl fun fun. so my aquarium isn't doing so great. i just have two of those blob fish things. what are those called? idk the white floppy ones. anyways, i just have two of those and i was gonna change the music for them and they didn't like any of it! so i had to go through the list before they didn't get the little grumpy cloud. rolleyes so yeah...soooo um yeah. i'm also having trouble making myself a good christmas outfit! i want to make it cute but christmasy so i can leave it until after christmas. well i guess i'll try again. i think maybe i'll give out some gifts today. i've already given some, but i think i should give my bestest buds something. i mean my gaia friends. yeah