Life Update 1
Okay, school is eh. I feel like we're in 4th ******** grade. Now I'm not a low-life but gaia is my favorite thing. I just went sledding and all and I had snow in all my nooks and crannies, it was AWFUL. I've been talking to NaNeRz also. I love her, she's my biffle. Unquestionably. Now I've also been spending a lot of time listening to Dane Cook, who is sexy as all hell, and my dad hates him. My mom is a fan though too. I have so many of his skits on my playlist. And on another note, I finally watched most of the Family Guy episodes I taped, but not all. My sleeping schedule is really ******** up. But it usually is. Now later today we're going to my cousin's to celebrate Hanukkah. Yes I'm Jewish, and half catholic. My uncle and aunt had a new tyke 2 years ago, she's the cutest thing in the world. And I'm not even saying that because she's my cousin. You cannot say she's not adorable. So now about my love life... Just Ugh. I can't decide between anyone. And there are two guys I really love, but none of them like me back. As soon as I say, Oh I love them, the others prove amazing as well. I don't know why I keep meeting these amazing people and can't decide. It's probably punishment for my sins. Not that I'm a god freak, but I appreciate my savior. So all in all my art shop is bombing, and so is everything else. And yes I've thought of suicide... but I've pretty much decided against it I'm too cowardly. If I'm going to spend eternity in hell I'd rather not do it because I ended my life. My father and I have been getting into some horrid fights. And I have some marks to prove it. I listen to the radio every day, and here these songs of broken love and it pains me so much to relate that to my life. I feel as if I have no more tears to shed. I feel so hurt emotionally that it's starting to really hurt, in my chest. Now my best friend and I have become distant and she's spreading nasty rumors about me being a pervert liar. I mean yes, I am a pervert. Just ask Angelo. But I am not the kind of pervert you want to punch in the face. And I am not a liar! Not a saint, but not a liar! I've been wanting to be more beautiful, but who doesn't. I've began to hate myself, for all kinds of s**t. It's hard to just live with myself being bipolar and a rejection queen. But now that I'm done... Sweet dreams and s**t. And for all people that read this all the way through. Wow, my compliments.
Posted by: Cuddleh Sun Dec 21, 2008 @ 12:15pm