He smiled back at me. "So....you were serching for me too?" He asked. "In a way yes." I said. "And it seems we found each other." I added. He looked at me. He seemed to enjoy starting at me. "Why?" He asked. "Why what?" I asked. "Why did you run off when I started waking up?" He asked. DAMN! Dead point. I should have seen that coming. "If I told you...." I said. "You wouldn't believe me." "If I told you that I had a dream about you kissing me and telling me to come search for you would you believe me?" He asked. "Yes." I said. "Then I would believe whatever you told me."
"You would think me crazy." I said. I looked up at him. "No I wouldn't." He said. "You say that now." I said. "Why won't you tell me?" He asked. "I..it's supposed to be secret in a way." I said. "I can keep a secret." Jordan said. "You promise...you won't...over react...." I said. "Course not." He said. I didn't want to keep secrets from him. I don't like keeping secrets but it was a big secret.
"Ok." I said. "I....I'm...not....exactly....human." "What do you mean?" He asked. "You look pretty human from where I'm sitting." "Yes right now I do." I said. "But ....truthfully I'm only half.....human." He looked at me as if he was confused. "Then...what exactly are you." He asked. "I'm...." I said. "Your a what?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "I'm a mermaid." I said. Jordan stared at me. "A....mermaid." He said. "Yes." I said.
"I've heard rumors, legends myths, stories about mermaids...but...I didn't think..." Jordan said. "Yes but we are real." I said. "We just don't come to the surface because my father, King Triton, thinks you humans are cruel." "Cruel. It's not just humans up here....we've got vampires, and stuff up here. But mermaids....that's got to be a first." He said. I smiled at him, a slight blush in my face. "Wait. King Triton?" He said. "You mean the king of the Sea!" "Well yes" I said. He looked into my eyes. Obviously he was still in shock of learning that merpeople really did exsist after all.

To be continued in Chapter 12...