My 16th birthday was the 11th of December. I had a good birthday surprisingly. (normally I dont like my birthday) I woke up an hour late sweatdrop and missed my bus. (just wait it gets better) Even though i got to school just as the bell was ringing xp . I wasn't late 3nodding my Friend and her Boyfriend decided to play a birthday prank on me and send me text from his phone saying stuff like 'hey babe' 'hey sexi' you get the idea. They didn't know that i knew it was them playing a joke on me. cool In my chior class (yes, chior is the best cool ninja cool ninja ) someone found out that is was my birthday and made everyone sing to me. but the best part was seeing everyone's reaction when I told them I turned 16. they all thought i was older and turning 17 or 18. In my Graph Comm class we had cup cakes ^_^ that made everything all the more better.
This week is finals.... ugg. But I only have two more to take. and the only one that will bother much is the geometry. Only because I hate math, not because I'm bad at it.
oh almost forgot...
Curently listening to: Heaven Forbid and Look After You by The Fray
Icons I realy like right now: