Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Dark Blond
Eyes: Red
Weapon of Choice: Broadsword (2 handed style)

Background: Dustin came from a rural town, having taken a fond interest in blades and magical crafts. He carrys a broadsword that he himself forged after finding a broken hilt. His father was a blacksmith by the name of Doru. His mother wanted to name him Dova but he refused to be called that name when he learned to speak. Saying that it reminded him of his father. His instincts in the forge and on the battlefield both came from his father, but also something he called a curse. Being the son of a rape victim in a time of war he swore reveng on his father for bringing him into existance.
Notes of interets: He tends to get angry easily if provoked. He likes to mess around with people, and he easily gets enticed but tries his hardest to retain control. A light red dragon tatoo sits on his left arm. The closer he gets to death, the brigther it seems and the more drakonic it looks. (Mabye something to do with his death)

Soul (Familiarized. Red Dragonling, loves to carry roses and is vary curious. If soul is killed, returns to tatoo and cannot be resummoned until next day)

Upon extreme rage or extreme pain Dustin's 'soul' take over his body and shapes it in it's most vile image of itself. An ancien red dragon.