I started to come around....I felt confrotable....I felt like I was in my bed back home, which was technically a giant sea shell but still....it was my bed. But there was air brushing on my face. I started to open my eyes as the sound of the ocean waves meet my ears, and stared out the window. As I did I saw two dolphins jump out of the water. They were so beautiful...and so free.
"So you finally decided to wake up." A voice said. I nearly jumped at the sound of the voice. I looked away from the window and to the door of a room. There was a doctor at the door, holding a board with some sorts of paper on it....with a penicl in her hand. She seemed friendly. But what caught my eye about her was that she was human!
I jerked up in the bed and pulled the covers off of me. My tail wasn't there anymore! I had legs! OMFG! Where was my tail! Ursula actually helped me! "Just relax" The doctor said laying me back down and pulling the covers back over me. "You must of been through a lot. Can you tell me your name? Age? Anything?" Ursala had taken my voice for one and second I couldn't tell her I was the princess of the merpeople in Alantica. She'd think I was crazy!
I had to try anyway. "M....Melissa" I stutterd. So Ursula hadn't gotten my voice. huh? That was weird? Maybe it took a lot of magic to turn me human and that's why. Whatever the reason I would be able to talk to the boy who saved me....if I found him. "Well Melissa your lucky to be all right." The doctor said. "Whatever you went through must of maid you afraid or something...your all shacky." Sure she would be too if she had had an incounter with a Sea Witch, and woke up in a strange place with no idea how or why you were here.
How had I gotten here? When? Why? Who brought me here? So many questions swirled through my head. I couldn't make sense of anything. Now the damn doctor stuck a "themomitor" in my mouth under my tonge to take my tempeture. She said I didn't have one. "Did you get enough sleep?" She asked. How should I know b***h! Your the doctor! Not me! You tell me! I don't even know what the ******** is going on! "Well if that boy comes to visit again he be glad to know your finally awake and feeling better." She said.
Boy! What boy? Was that the person who had found me on the surface when I first woke up?! If so then I knew one of my questions was answered. He did bring me here. But what was his name? Where was he now? Was the the human boy I'd fallen in love with? "Boy?" I asked. "Yes he brought you in two days ago worried about you." She said. "You were in pretty bad shape. Had no pants on." No pants! I was a mermaid! Why the hell! Oh...of course...she had no idea I was a mermaid....duh Melissa! "Well you get some sleep Melissa" The doctor said leaving the room. SLEEP! How was I supposed to sleep! I had no clue what was going on? GRRRRAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!
I was underwater...swiming....I could see a figure approching me....a boy...with a tail like mine...a merman...I reached my hand out for him... he came closer. But I let my hand drop....though I didn't know why. Then I was all alone. "Hello" I cried. I heard a laugh and turned around to find the human I'd fallen in love with there...but he was a merman now...one of my people...
"I've been waiting for you." He said. "Me?" I asked. "Yes" Was he's response. He held his hand out. I could only stare at his perfect eyes, and hair. He was irristable. "come see my world." He said. "I can't" I said. "My father....." Then I thought different and looked at the gorges man in front of me.

Suddenly I felt someone shack me awake, and my beatiful dream was gone just like that. Damn whoever did! It was the doctor from earlier. She told me I was free to go. She helped me out of the bed and into some cloths that didn't reac of hospital. I couldn't even walk on these things humans call legs! I lived underwater...I didn't need feet/legs!

To be continued in Chapter 6....