Age: 900
Race: Vampire
Orientation: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Bio: The ages have made him sadistic and cruel to those he's in contact with. He has come across families like the Vandes and the Andantes, getting along rather well with most of them. Though he had never thought of keeping slaves, his interaction with his 'friends' has began to sway him. He has started to subconsciously started to pick out people for pets.
Born in 1108, Dorian as a child had displayed symptoms that we now call 'sociopathic tendencies.' As he got older, he learned to control himself more, and became an active member of his village. However in 1133 when he was nearing the end of his human life, he was captured by a vampire and was fed from repeatedly, left only just alive enough to regenerate his blood, only to be drained again. This went on until his body could no longer sustain itself. The vampire then left him to die. However, Dorian had been bitten enough times to be turned a few days later. In his newborn frenzy, he slaughtered his sire out of heightened, vengeful rage, and then proceeded to massacre his village. He found the screams brought him pleasure, even arousal.
Once he'd learned to control himself, he travelled to North America and began to hunt and feed there, making a name for himself among the humans, a title of power. He moved about frequently, staying in one place for as long as he could before dying off, only to relocate and start over.