I paniced. "Oh please subastion you can't!" I cried. "If my father finds out-" "you should have thought about that before you went and saved that human!" Subastion said. I knew what I had to do to win the fight. I looked at Subastion with puppy eyes. Subasiton the little softy he turned out to be started letting down. "Oh....all right..I won't tell" He said. "Thank you subastion!" I said grabbing him and kissing him.
We returned to the castle...unseen and I went to my room. And climed into bed to make it look like I was never gone. A few minutes passed and I heard my brothers Kaname and Zero come in. I hated it when Zero just barged in without knocking. I closed my eyes so it looked like I was asleep. "Hey you awake." Zero said. I didn't answer trying to sound like I hadn't heard him and was very much asleep. "You didn't eat supper last night." Kaname said. "Come on...time for breakfast" I felt him shacking me and I slapped him. I was still pissed at dad and I had to act like it too. "Ok...we'll leave you alone." Zero said.
That evening after I took a nap Flounder woke me up. He wanted to take me to see something. My father had checked on me earlier and he heard me talking in my sleep about someone. A boy. My sisters said it was obvious....I was in love. He didn't know who with though....thank god. "Sebastion." One of my dad's servents said. "The king wishes to see you." The sevent left. Sebastion gasped. "HE KNOWS!" He said.
Sebastion enterd the throne room and coughed to announce he had arrived. "Sebastion just who I was waiting for." My father said. Sebastion tried to act cool and walked forward "Yes" He said in a high squicy voice. He cleared his throught "Yes your majosty" He corrected. "Have you noticed anything different about Melissa sense I made you keep a close eye on her." My father asked. "Different? How" Subastion asked. "I think you know." My father said. "Her singing to herself...daydreaming more then usual." "Um no." Said Subastion. "Subasition." My father said. "I know you know....don't lie to me." Suddenly Subastion broke his silense. "Ok! YES" He scremed. "She's in love with a human and I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen-" "HUMAN! WHAT HUMAN!" My father yelled.
"Founder where are we going?" I asked with my eyes closed as it was a surprise. "Just follow the sound of my voice just a little further." He said. I laughed "ok." I said. "Ok...open your eyes." Flounder said. I opened my eyes. We were in my tresure trove but it was what was a few feet in front of me that made me happy. It was the statue of Jordan! heart "OH FLOUNDER! HOW-HOW DID YOU GET THIS IN HERE!" I exclaimed hugging him and rushing over to the stature. "It wasn't easy." Flounder said.
"Oh Jordan....run away with you...this all seems so sudden." I said lost in one of my daydreams. ( sweatdrop happens all the time) I giggled as I leaned on the statues shoulder. Suddenly I gasped as I saw my father emerge from the shadows. "Daddy" I cried. "I consider myself a resanable merman." He said. "I try to keep my patince with you Melissa and this is how you repay me." He was pissed...no dought or question about it. "But daddy I-" I argured. "You went to the surface again didn't you Melissa! DIDN'T YOU!" He said. "Melissa how many times have we been through this! You know it's dangerous up there. You could have died! You could have been seen! YOU SAVED A HUMAN" He yelled. "but daddy he could have died!" I cried "One less human never makes a difference!" my dad said. "DADDY I LOVE HIM!"
My father glared at me in anger and shock. "No! Have you lost your senses completly! He's a human! Your a mermaid!" He yelled. "I don't care!" I said. "No!" My father said again "By god Melissa I'm going to get through to you! And if this is the only way to do it...Then so be it!" My fathers trident glowed redish orange color with a tent of gold and he pointed it at my tresures around the room piece by piece! And piece by piece they were distroyed! Then he pointed it at his newest and favorite tresure: the statue! I hid behind my father unable to look and tryied to pull him away "DAD STOP" I cried suddenly the statue blew up, and it was just a bunch of pieces. "NO!" I cried. My fathers triedent stop glowing and I rushed to the broken pieces.
I cried over the pieces barley noticing my father looking back at me a little upset about what he did before leaving. "Melissa? I'm sorry" Said Subastion. "I didn't mean to....he..." "just go I said laying on the rock in the middle of my trove tears filling my eyes as I held the face part of the statue. I was to upset to care about anything else. I was to upset to even think about anything else. I had lost all the tresures I had collected sense I was a little baby mermaid.
"Poor girl." I heard a raspy voice say. "Yes poor girl." Another said. I looked up to see two electric eels swiming around me. They each had one golden eye. They were both boys and looked rather old in a way. "Wh-who are you?" I asked. "We are here to help you find help." They said. "We know someone who can make all your dreams come true. Her name: Ursuala." "The Sea Witch?" I said. "Yes" They said.

To be continued in Chapter 4....