Oh my god!
Stupid talking Wii ad! Give me a heart attack, why don't you! D8
Seriously, why does Gaia have those now?

Enchanted Book - 53,000g
Imperial Queen - 3,295g
Let It Snow - 53,000g
Sapphire Forehead Jewel - 2,000g
Girl's Chauv White (Dark) - 3,120g
Picolitrosso's Urn
Oculus Mythica
Dreamer's Dust
Dark Elf Skin
Aw man, why did I go to tektek while I'm in the middle of a quest?
I was trying to make a winter themed avi, with December coming up and all,
and after about an hour, this is what resulted.
I tried to make something that I had most of the items for,
but it didn't work out too well.
Since I'm still questing for Hermes' Moon,
I probably won't be able to make this avi any time soon.
It was fun to make, anyway. <3
And hey, after Hermes' Moon is out of the way, I plan on questing for an Enchanted Book anyway.
The only other remotely expensive item on here is Let It Snow.
I can get this still, just not this year, lawl.
So until then, it's off to make a different winter avi.