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View User's Journal

Random things
Just answer it! o 3o

1). Do you like me?
2). Do you hate me?
3). Would you kill me?
4). Would you hug me?
5). Would you kiss me?
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble?
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad?

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia?
2). I got killed?
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere?
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out?
5). I became a celebrity?
6). If lost all my friends?

Almost done...
1). Who are you?
2). Are you a friend of mine?
3). Are we good friends?
4). If yes, how well?
5). If no, do you want to?
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you?

User Comments: [6] [add]
XxDead HeroxX
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 23, 2008 @ 02:41pm
1). Do you like me? well we're bros =P
2). Do you hate me?nope
3). Would you kill me?uhm when Gig takes over maybe xD
4). Would you hug me?uhm uuuh maybe
5). Would you kiss me?hell no
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble?damn straight i would
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad?i could try

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia?be pissed D;
2). I got killed?kill the person that did it
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere?i'd come find ya
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out?try to help remind you of your friends
5). I became a celebrity?as long as we are friends i could care less
6). If lost all my friends?i'd still be you friend BFL (bros for life)

Almost done...
1). Who are you?your bro
2). Are you a friend of mine?yep
3). Are we good friends?i guess
4). If yes, how well?uhm honestly i dont know
5). If no, do you want to?
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you?yea i guess

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 23, 2008 @ 10:23pm
1). Do you like me? Nyu Sheit =P
2). Do you hate me?Nope
3). Would you kill me?Maybe
4). Would you hug me?Whai not
5). Would you kiss me?Is this a serious question?
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble?Depends
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad?Yup

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia?Go on a PMS rampage
2). I got killed?Cry like a mofo D;
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere?Help ! =D
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out? I'd rename you pikachu =]
5). I became a celebrity? Nothing it doesn't effect me xD
6). If lost all my friends? Still be joor friend

Almost done...
1). Who are you? Stephy? e.o'
2). Are you a friend of mine? No sheit
3). Are we good friends? I think so xD
4). If yes, how well? Idunno
5). If no, do you want to? I DONT EVEN KNOW THE ANSWER TO #3 D;
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you?
I guess? e.o'

*Waste of 5 mins* xDD

S a i y u k i x3
Community Member
Sasuki the demon
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 17, 2008 @ 12:06am
1). Do you like me? yeah ur coolio
2). Do you hate me?nope
3). Would you kill me?WHO TOLD YOU?! no xd
4). Would you hug me?yush
5). Would you kiss me? nuu
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble?hell yea
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad?yes

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia?get bord cuz my bffl has no pc anymore
2). I got killed?cry until i ran out of tears
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere?get a car and find you...?
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out?tell yyew tht u livd in idaho and ur name wuz pancake
5). I became a celebrity? ask for an autograph
6). If lost all my friends?id still be there

Almost done...
1). Who are you? BUZZ LIGHTYEAR / Sasuki
2). Are you a friend of mine?no im ur stalker, duh. nu dip sherlok biggrin
3). Are we good friends?id liike to think so
4). If yes, how well? not 2 shur
5). If no, do you want to?i wudnt hav anserd the last 17 questions if i wun ur budeh
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you?ma b.

odd questions. xp

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 05:40am
1). Do you like me? Oui. 8D
2). Do you hate me? Non. D8
3). Would you kill me? Err, no. ~___~
4). Would you hug me? Maybe. If I was in the mood for hugs.
5). Would you kiss me? Nope~ Nothing personal. xD
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble? Depends what kind and if I can.
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad? I'd try, but probably fail. :'D

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia? D8 I dunno.
2). I got killed? "That's. . .Depressing. ._.''"
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere? Teh middle? xD I really don't know, I don;t think I could do anything significant. ._.
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out? o w o Spread liez in chur mind~
5). I became a celebrity? "Good job."
6). If lost all my friends? D; I dunno...

Almost done...
1). Who are you? I ARE KAITO Crystal.
2). Are you a friend of mine? I guess so~
3). Are we good friends? Depends on your definition of "good friends".
4). If yes, how well? I dunno. *Thick-headed idiot. 8D*
5). If no, do you want to? Uh, sure? ''xD
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you? Possibly. Err. I guess. I did. ;D

P.S. I just wasted time. Oh how I love to not sleep.

Community Member
Salty Period
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 07:12pm
1). Do you like me? yeah , duh
2). Do you hate me? liek nooo ....
3). Would you kill me? ype , no !!
4). Would you hug me? Yupyup
5). Would you kiss me? Anytime ^w^
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble? Liek yea , totally - w-
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad? I always do , yes ? o 3o

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia? umh , idk
2). I got killed? be sad and cry T .T
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere? you wouldn't ^^
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out? I would help you ? o wo
5). I became a celebrity? number one fan ! >=O
6). If lost all my friends? I would be the one who you would have then , yay ^w ^

Almost done...
1). Who are you? a girl o 3o
2). Are you a friend of mine? yeah
3). Are we good friends? idk
4). If yes, how well? I said IDK !! D:<
5). If no, do you want to? want what ? O 3O
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you? maybe

commentCommented on: Sun Feb 15, 2009 @ 09:04am
1). Do you like me? Yes
2). Do you hate me? No
3). Would you kill me? Never
4). Would you hug me? Yes
5). Would you kiss me? ..mabey
6). Would you help me if I'm in trouble? Yes!
7). Would you make me feel better when I'm sad? Yes

What would you do if...
1). I quit Gaia? Curl up and cry
2). I got killed? O.O"
3). If I was stranded in teh middle of nowhere? How would I know? o.o
4). I woke up from a coma, and my memory was wiped out? EEP.
5). I became a celebrity? make you buy me shtuffs ;D
6). If lost all my friends? I'd still be your friend

Almost done...
1). Who are you? Kookie
2). Are you a friend of mine? Yuh
3). Are we good friends? Yuh
4). If yes, how well? Iono
5). If no, do you want to? ..yes?
6). Will you put this in your journal so I can answer it about you? Mabey.. o.o

Community Member
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