Gaia Name:4F a l l e n - A n g e l4
Can Work on [days, hours]:5-7 days, 5hours
Reason why you want to join our shop:it pays good
How long do you plan on working for us?:as long as you want me to
Position:converter and paper collector
And now for other news...
This was the best night EVAH! Even thought it was hectic before the dance (getting ready, being yelled at for things that didn't match, getting make-up smeared on me...ick), when my date, Justin, arrived, it was...much better than I expected. But before he came, I was definitely being a goober about everything. sweatdrop
Ah, but when he came, dad took three pictures of us, but two were blurry. So I have only one picture, and here it is:

Isn't he handsome? Too bad it's blurry.... He says he looks British with his hat, and I'd have to agree with him. xd He also gave me a red rose and a white orchid corsage, which was really polite of him. So we left after a little discussion and headed for dinner at Kanpai, in which we were 5 min. early and the first ones there (it started at 5:30).
So when everyone arrived (which our group consisted of Kimberly, Greg, Jessica, Caleb, and another girl whose name I didn't know), we talked plenty, ordered our food (I ordered a plate of Cali Rolls; Justin ordered steak), and took some pictures, we found out that we had a bit of time left (not really), so we headed to Books-a-Million. We stayed for a while (while also meeting a currently suspended Dennis) and wandered around until we left at 7 to go to the ceremony.
At the school, Kim's mom went ahead and took some pictures of the couples in the group (which was obviously the most of us, including me) and then we went into the auditorium. We sat ourselves down in our seats and waited for everything to settle down before the ceremony started, and they turned off the lights so that the stage would be lighted. And so the ceremony started.
Everyone (couples and singles) went up onto the stage to receive their rings from the principal. Couples went on the stage with their "escorting elbow" type of presentation in the...uh...I don't know how to explain was a large paper-mache ring that looked like a...gate at a Singles were cheered on by the people for being brave (especially Steve Kenyon, the "pimp" in white xd ). One guy at the ceremony didn't dress formally, and that was we had 3 "lesbian" couples, two parental escorts, and several weird criticizing moments. Hey, it's high school, what'd you expect?
When me and Justin went up on the stage, I didn't trip and we got a fair amount of jeering and cheering, so it was a good memory. It was a good amount of happy moments, so I hope to hold it forever...
After the conclusion was the dance, which was the S***! That's how good it was, and most of the time I was dancing with Justin. We didn't "dirty dance", though, but we did slow dance about 3 or 4 times. And we did about 3 line dances, several "hip-hop" dances (the most notable dance was Steve's "break-dance" [Steve IS pretty cool, I guess!]), and then...there was "Cottoneyed Joe", the country song of tiring, FUN proportions!! Justin did a lot of weird, yet AWESOME dance moves while I was...erm...complimented on how I could "get low" and "shake it". sweatdrop Well, something along those lines anyway. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! I loved every moment I danced with my friends...and Justin! redface I hope we can have fun Blackout Dance and Prom! whee That would be one of the most happiest times of my life if that could happen!
And on that note, I bid you adieu! 3nodding
Community Member
Aw, you look so pretty! 3nodding heart Haha, Justin is pretty good looking. Good one rofl . I am glad it turned out so nice; I am happy for you. razz Ah, we have to do something like that when I come, minus the dance. whee