Total Value: 143,847 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Prom Monarch's Crown
Holy Gauntlets
Kong Sang Scarf
Neutral Starter Urban Girl Pants
Old Machete
Onyx Milady Bodice
Patchwork Boots
Satin Hairbow
Summoning Tome
Kelp o' th' Loch 5th Gen.
Year of the Horse
Anywho, here's my Prologue for my NEWEST story:
Confusion was there, and it wasn’t going to be replaced by answers the I longed for… Like I longed for him and his beautiful smile, the smile that could over come the loathing in his eyes for what he had become. The loathing for the one who had stolen me from him, and had almost stolen my innocence. I fought him despite my admiration of his appearance and love, yet I hate but two things about his obsession: His loss of control and anger, and lust for two things: Blood, and me.
My blood and I.
Sometimes I wonder if I can fight the seduction of their embrace, stares, and love. Like a drug that is so addicting that I would be incapable of living without it. Maybe I can, but my thoughts become hazed when I think of the possibilities to the point I’d rather die than loose either one of them in this love triangle where I am on top. Below, there are the two, waiting to catch me if I fall, and who I fall for first would win, and yet my mind continues to spin endlessly for the final answer.
My final decision.
Why I am cursed into such a life where my heart would be still be torn into two no matter whom I chose.
Why I fell for the two, one who’d been a demon for centuries versus one that had been for only months. And both are wrapped in an angelic veil that would enchant any who laid their eyes on their flawless qualities of an amazingly beautiful pair that hated each other with such a passion, that could kill millions with the amount of frustration and fury of outraged gods.
But how do I choose?
With one ally against such love, a demon who is my lost member, several demons waiting to kill me with the ones at my side, and two who love me so much that they would rather burn in hell to which they are damned, than see me die in the arms of evil who had been holding my fate all along.
The evil inside me.
Confusion was there, and it wasn’t going to be replaced by answers the I longed for… Like I longed for him and his beautiful smile, the smile that could over come the loathing in his eyes for what he had become. The loathing for the one who had stolen me from him, and had almost stolen my innocence. I fought him despite my admiration of his appearance and love, yet I hate but two things about his obsession: His loss of control and anger, and lust for two things: Blood, and me.
My blood and I.
Sometimes I wonder if I can fight the seduction of their embrace, stares, and love. Like a drug that is so addicting that I would be incapable of living without it. Maybe I can, but my thoughts become hazed when I think of the possibilities to the point I’d rather die than loose either one of them in this love triangle where I am on top. Below, there are the two, waiting to catch me if I fall, and who I fall for first would win, and yet my mind continues to spin endlessly for the final answer.
My final decision.
Why I am cursed into such a life where my heart would be still be torn into two no matter whom I chose.
Why I fell for the two, one who’d been a demon for centuries versus one that had been for only months. And both are wrapped in an angelic veil that would enchant any who laid their eyes on their flawless qualities of an amazingly beautiful pair that hated each other with such a passion, that could kill millions with the amount of frustration and fury of outraged gods.
But how do I choose?
With one ally against such love, a demon who is my lost member, several demons waiting to kill me with the ones at my side, and two who love me so much that they would rather burn in hell to which they are damned, than see me die in the arms of evil who had been holding my fate all along.
The evil inside me.
Ah, What the hell?
Here's chapter 1 as well. I'm sorry I've re-started so much. XP
Chapter 1
-Cat got your tongue?-
-Cat got your tongue?-
On this night which would be like any other, so she had thought. Who knew that a decision that would break this heart would have to be made the next morning. But she did not know of this yet, and she will do everything she can to try to make it out alive despite the slim chances.
Her shadow was cast across the moon beached side walk that glittered from the splotches of snow that spotted the ground. Hr head turned side to side as she looked around the streets of the quiet town, eyes watering from the cold wind that slapped at her face while her breaths came in short gasps.
Would all that she had lived for, come to an end tonight? Her thoughts were the same every day of risking everything. Her life, her love, her whole existence was judged by each decision she made. Every breath, every hit, step, and thought. It all determined whether or not she would be going home that very night.
She had been running for the past ten minutes despite the pain that ached at her side from a previous battle, and now the blood was drying but it still hurt. She slowed down to a stop, feeling another presence approach from behind. Knowing what she would have to do, or else there would be one less person in the world. But then again, she was expecting this, knowing what it would lead to. It was her duty, as a hunter. This, was what she was born to do, and her blood line will run through all of her family, especially her child.
“Oh, what do we have here?” The presence said from behind her, their voice sang blissfully as their mouth watered uncontrollably; wanting to quench the burning flame of thirst that burned at their throat.
The woman let her shoulders relax and she turned her head slightly. Eyes burning with abhor. She had done this a million times before, and tonight would be like any other.
Or so she thought.
“A young lady outside at such a time?” The sinister voice belonged to a young man. A very foolish young man. “What a lucky night for me.” His voice was filled with indiscriminative satisfaction and he stepped forward lightly, grinning widely; curling his long fingers with excitement, and his tongue swept over his lips at the smell of her sweet, sweet blood.
“You’re wrong.” The woman spoke softly, feeling now that he was close enough to strike. “It’s an unfortunate night for you.” She turned quickly, her long dark brown hair flew behind her as she lunged at the man. But, before the he could move, the woman was in front of him, right hand extended to the left covering her face, eyes closed as blood splattered over the ground.
She watched as the man fell to his knees, mouth open, letting a fountain of blood spill out of his mouth. Her eyes glittered silver in the moonlight, feeling proud that she had made a kill tonight. Her first victim got away, but left her a bleeding side, but as she watched the man turn to ashes, she knew that her night was far from over.
Without looking back, she walked out of the alley and glanced around the streets, waiting for a movement amongst the roofs of the buildings, or from behind the cars. She reached over with her left hand to feel her right side, it had stopped bleeding, but that didn’t mean that she was safe from harm just yet. The smell of death and blood would only attract more of the parasites, and she will have no time to worry about wounds; no matter how bad.
Before she took a step from the alley, a slight movement on the roof caught her eye, then one behind a car that was across the street. Her eyes widened, “s**t.” She muttered and backed away into the alley again. She turned and ran towards the metal gate at the end of the alley. They smelt the blood… She thought and glanced down at where she had made her kill then looked forward. And if they’re fallowing me after I killed… Her thoughts trailed off for a second. That means he’s coming with them. She put the Katana’s hilt into her mouth when she began to climb over the gate. Mind spinning, heart racing, but she kept her composure, reminding herself about how panic ruins everything, and all reasoning.
Once she was on the other side of the fence, she grabbed the hilt and ran through the alley way, wanting to make out of the darkness but stopped. She could smell them, their wonderful aroma was too good to miss since it was all around her; but that also meant that she was surrounded.
“Looks like a good game of cat and mouse.” A woman’s voice hissed from the shadows. “And Ledeen’s the mouse.”
Ledeen glanced around, wide-eyed, knowing what would happen if she didn’t act fast. Kill, or be killed. The one phrase that is known to all hunters. It was a phrase that even apprentices knew fairly well.
“Mm… I’ve been waiting for this night.” Said a man’s voice from beside the woman. Their voices chimed elegantly through the cold air, as pure as the white of the snow. But knowingly, it wouldn’t be a white winter this year. Red, it would be; as always.
Ledeen’s worst nightmare had come true, and on the one night that she thought would be like any other.
“We will all have our turns.” Now, a louder and stronger voice echoed through the alley, “but I’m first.” He approached Ledeen with his eyes fixed on her like a hawk would for it’s prey.
Ledeen turned to face the tall man, and though she was panicking, none of it showed in her expression, but her eyes betrayed her. “Are you mad because I stole a life from one of your newborns?” She asked, keeping her voice sincere. For the moment. “He was quite foolish, I thought that you’d train everyone much better.” Her voice was slightly shaking, since she wasn’t moving anymore, the ice cold was beginning to sink into her bones.
“Oh, you know as well as all of us why we are mad.” The man stood a foot away from her, locking his golden honey gaze with her icy silver one.
Ledeen gripped the hilt of her Katana tighter, wanting to kill these monsters so she could return home to someone she loved, and didn’t loathe. “You also know that soon enough, there won’t only be me to kill all of you off.” She said narrowing her eyes, “and when the day comes, you might as well commit suicide because either way, you’re all going to die.” Now her voice was hostile and intrepid. She could feel the anger begin to burn inside her.
“Would they carry on their duties if the leader was dead?” The man questioned, already knowing the answer from what had happened many years back, and from many years of experiences.
Ledeen grew silent, she also knew the answer. This war had been going on for centuries, and it’s happened time and time again. As if time repeated itself only to see the amount of deaths increasing each year within the human race. Almost like there was nothing that anyone could do but die for nothing. Maybe a couple of these monsters killed, but not enough for them to grow extinct.
The man’s long dark hair swayed with the wind and he grinned sadistically, “why are you so quiet?.” His eyes flashed with amusement. “Cat got your tongue?” He said and in a heart beat, his hand was around Ledeen’s neck.
The alarm clocked chimed loudly, causing me to sit up, breathing heavy; startled from my dreams as usual, and that was one reason why I never liked going to sleep. I always woke up like I was about to run out of the room before it exploded, but that would be crazy… Like one those action films where an object that they were holding was going to self-destruct in ten seconds, but once again, that would be crazy. Yet my heart still hammered against my chest at 90MPH, or so it seemed.
My body remained tense as I continued to examine my room to every little detail, making sure nothing was different, or wrong before relaxing. Of course it would take about thirty minutes before I actually could here something either than my heart beating in my head, and I could start my day like any other.
My name is Mayumi Honami, and I am a 17 year old girl. In the mirror, I would see my long, wavy, black hair lie straight across right above my waist, with bangs that laid over my forehead and straight across the top of my brows. I also had a pale, peach complexion, showing that I never spent enough time in the sunlight to even get a little tan, though I prefer to stay inside anyway; unless it was nice outside, not too hot, and not too cold. That meant I liked cloudy days, just perfect weather that I could enjoy… And though I usually acted older than I was, I looked at least a couple years younger. Due to my short height, small face, and other infantile-like qualities. Yet out of the few things that showed that I was a teenager, was my hourglass figure of a normal, fit young lady.
My eyes drifted across the dimly lit room, it had a dark blue hue from the nightlight in one corner of my room. This was the only reason I had it, since I got up so early, it was always dark, and knowing me, I’d trip over something while trying to find the light switch.
The blaring alarm clock read: 5:00am. I sighed as I reached for it and turned it off, silencing its annoying beeps, then stretched my numb body to get the blood flowing. Today, I would be going to my high school, as usual, then carry on that same routine for the rest of the week until it ended; as usual. No change, no distractions, no problem. (My theory)
Yawning, I walked over to the closet that was on the west wall. My bed's side was against the north wall beneath the window and the top of it pressed on the east wall. Then in the corner of the west and north walls, there was an oak wood dresser with a picture frame on the corner, and a small TV covered in dust. A casual room for a casual person, but I still did have some extra room on the opposite side of my bed and such. I had a desk against the west wall with a computer and a chair, then there was a small balcony outside a draped over glass door. As for the floors on that side… Well, the floor was covered with books, pencils, and papers with drawings on them.
I have been living here in Mousy Sky of Night Region for four years with my foster parents. I was adopted by them at the age of six, but never really enjoyed my life. They were strict people, always expected perfection, and though they were rich, they would never cast a second thought about me, or my needs. So I basically took care of myself and bought everything I needed instead of asking.
I opened the closet door and stared into the medium sized space filled with hanging varieties of clothing. I reached up grabbing the school uniform that I had been wearing for the past four years of my boring, Private high school life. The uniform was a black jacket with cuffs that were 4.5 cm wide, there was a pure white button up long sleeve polo under it, the skirt was black and would hang 10 cm below the jacket, there was a cardinal red ribbon that was tied under the collar of the jacket, and the socks were black and came to mid-thigh. The uniforms also had light gray designs on the jacket along with cuff buttons that were silver. When I have it on, the sleeve’s cuffs would always pass over my hands, but I never bothered rolling them up, or asking for an extra, extra small. I doubt that they had any anyways.
After getting dressed, I slipped on my black laced up boots that came to mid-calve, then walked out of the room. I walked out into a dark hall way and turned right leaving my room door open, knowing that I’d return to it later for anything else I would need. Since in my head, I have a list of things I need to do in the morning, all the way to the end of the day when I lie my head down to sleep.
The hallway led to a stair case, and on the first floor there was a living room, dinning room, kitchen, office area, and a laundry room. I came down into a wide room that was lit by a small lamp in the far corner beside a window on the north wall. To the right, a large island kitchen with its black marble counter tops, and the mahogany cabinets. Then there was a dinning room beside it with a long wooden table that seated six, and a golden, crystal chandelier hung above it. To the left of the staircase, was a large living room that had a black leather couches facing the west wall where a plasma screen TV sat on its glass stand. On the walls there were old expensive pictures of hand stitched scenery, and family portraits. Either painted, or just photographed.
I walked into the kitchen as I turned on the lights, wincing at the sudden eye strain. I walked up to the white, porcelain sink and picked up a badge mug, reached over to the facet and turned on warm water; rinsing out the old coffee stains that rimmed the mug from before. Afterwards, I quickly dried it then walked over the coffee maker, it was already filled with the hot steaming liquid, and set the cup down gently. I yawned, still tired as poured the coffee into the mug after putting two tea spoons of sugar in it then stirred it slowly. I looked over at the clock hanging above the sink. It read: 5:30am, I then looked back down at the coffee and reached over to the right where a black two-door refrigerator was and opened it. I pulled out a bottle of French vanilla creamer and poured it into the mug until the mixture reached the top of the hot cup and began to stir yet again.
* * *
After drinking the coffee, I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall. There was a door in front of my room and I opened it. Inside was a white walled bathroom, on the opposite side of me was a bath tub with a navy blue shower curtain, and in front of the tub was a same colored rug. To the right of the rug was a white toilet, and beside the toilet, on the same wall, was a sink. I took a swift step in front of the sink and picked up my tooth brush and began to brush my teeth, brush my hair up into pig tails leaving down my bangs with any other short hairs that couldn’t be pinned back and wet down all the strand hairs, then I would wash the tired look from my face. But it still didn’t make the heavy, saggy feeling that pulled at my lids.
Once finished, I walked into my room and turned on the light. The walls of the room were white, the base boards were also white, my bed's quilt was black and the pillows were all white. I walked over to the white door of my closet and opened it reaching up for a small black over-the-shoulder bag. I threw it over my head and rested the strap on my right shoulder while turning to leave the room in silence, this time closing the door behind me quietly.
As I walked down the hall, it was beginning to grow lighter inside the house, so I guessed that the sun was beginning to rise. I kept my path straight while I trotted down the stairs and towards the front door. I reached for the bronze colored knob and opened the door looking back into the dark house, "I'm leaving…" I muttered softly while grabbing the keys off a rack on the wall, I knew that there were people inside, but also knew that even if they heard me, they wouldn’t reply.
I closed the door quietly, and locked it behind me with the keys, then kept them in my hand and began to walk down the steps of the covered porch. The faint sunlight gave my irises a deep ocean blue luster, but originally, they would be a little brighter than navy blue. Pretty unusual for a dark haired person though I have no idea which of my two biological parents had blue eyes.
I turned left towards a black Mazda 626 that sat alone in the paved driveway in front of a three-car garage that was closed. It wasn’t really the nicest car in the world, but it was my first, and I had bought it with my own money (proudly). Then, like everyday, I would get in the car, and drive off to school to start my little façade of having a wonderful life as a young, rich girl. And like always, my ‘friends’, would believe it and they would all carry out their day without a single care in the world.
“Have you heard?”
“About what?”
I stared at my friends blankly as they talked excitedly. There were three of them:
Maki Kita, the oldest of the group, and tallest with her long legs, tight thighs, and her long skinny arms, was the most attractive in the group. Her hair is the color of a raven’s wings, and her eyes would be of a deep green algae, glistening in a pool of water. Fairly tanned skin, well developed, and a very enchanting smile revealing her perfectly straight pearly whites; no wonder guys would fall for her.
Hinata Yusuke, the youngest, and most talkative. Her tresses were dirty blonde, and her skin looked to be full of rich blood, giving her a warm and soft glow. Her dark amethyst eyes always showed excitation, which always matched the animated smile across her face, revealing her youth more than the sound of her high-pitched, soprano voice.
Then there was Ama Shiko, the second oldest but looked the oldest as well. She was a little heavy-set, but always had her dark brown hair decorated with ribbons each day, and all the while wore makeup. The flush of pink reflecting from the setting sun would be the same color of the delicate, powdery blooms of her chubby cheeks. Her swarthy colored eyes showed more wisdom within experiences with guys, than possibly her own life lessons. No surprise…
“The new student.” Maki replied to Hinata’s question, voice filled with
“What about em’?” Ama was messing with her painted nails while softly blowing the white ribbon, that hung from her hair, out of her face.
“What about him?” Maki laughed a little, “I’m guessing that you haven’t seen him yet!”
I stared at them, “so it’s a guy?” I was surprised though, since Maki never really got too excited over guys, seeing that she thought that none of them were good enough for her. Shocker…
Maki nodded, “and he has the most beautiful light green eyes.” She smiled as she put her hands together, obviously beginning to drift into one of her many daydreams.
I looked over at Ama who just shrugged, “I don’t believe that he is so great looking.” Ama said, then in a low voice, “since most of the guys here aren’t the best to look at.” She winked at them with a sly smile on her face.
“You’ll just have to wait a see for yourself.” Maki said then looked over at the door as it creaked open. Usually I wouldn’t have looked to see who it was, I’m sure that I wouldn’t have heard anyone come in; but curiosity took my head and made me look.
Standing tall, a man stepped inside. Old wisdom showed in is mellow-looking eyes, while youth reflected from his chalky, oval face. He had black hair that rested a couple inches over his narrow shoulders and bangs that came past his brows. “Is this Ms. Aki’s class?” He said in his sonorous and young voice, catching everyone’s attention.
“Yes.” I spoke bluntly while staring at him, wondering if he was a student, but at the same time, noticing that he was extremely pale. And I thought that I didn’t get enough sun. I guess I thought wrong.
He looked at me then walked up to the front of the room, “I am Tokito Osamaru, and I have some bad news.” His jade green eyes fell over everyone, examining each face, and every detail as his forehead creased in concentration of his thoughts.
“Is this the student you were talking about?” Ama whispered to Maki, keeping her eyes glued to the man.
Maki shook her head.
I kept my eyes on this ‘Osamaru’ guy. He wore a black three piece suit with a red tie, black dashing shoes, and it looked like he wore white gloves. But I had to admit, though he was a very pale man, he was very handsome for however old he was. But that’s what I was slightly grinning about, since he was a ‘hot’ teacher; knowingly one of my friends would fall for him. Someone like… Ama, maybe, or maybe even Hinata… The thought only made me want to smile wider, but I knew that someone would notice that rare occurrence of an amused smile on my face.
Ama had switched her gaze from Tokito to my face, that’s when I noticed that I was mouthing everything that I was thinking. (A bad habit of mine) It looked like she was about to say something, but she looked back at Tokito as he began to speak again.
“Your former teacher, Ms. Aki, is dead.” His eyes gazed upon the students as they slowly took in this new information. “She was found dead last night.” After a few moments of silence, there were sounds of gasping, and sniffling.
I looked over at my stiffened friends, Maki was looking away, eyes agleam, face red; while Hinata tried to comfort her with soft pets on her back.
Ama looked at me with wide eyes as her lips pursed together, with naught to say.
“Who killed her?” A guy demanded from across the room.
“It was suicide.” Tokito replied dully, “there was a note.”
I looked back at the man, his face showed no sympathetic emotions. Not even his eyes. I mean, I didn’t feel sad about the fact that a very nice teacher is dead, but instead, I only felt slightly bemused.
“So, I was assigned to be your teacher until further notice.” He turned to face the chalk board and began to write on it. “You may call me Mr. Osamaru.”
“This is horrible.” Ama whispered while looking at me, her face was slightly redder than what her blush would make it.
“It is.” I nodded and looked at her slowly, “and I’m having a hard time believing that it was suicide.” My mind reeled with the possible reasons that Ms. Aki would kill herself. The teacher smiled everyday, made jokes, laughed with the class, and even hummed happily to herself all the time; what would make her kill herself when she honestly looked so happy here?
“Today will be a half day due to this misfortunate event.” Mr. Osamaru continued on, “At five, there will be a ceremony for the school’s grieving, it’ll be out on the field so everyone can fit.”
Ama blinked, “why do you say that?” She asked absently, probably trying to think it through as well. But… Let’s just say, thinking wasn’t the best thing she could do.
I shrugged, “Ms. Aki just doesn’t seem like the type to kill herself. But I wouldn’t really know.” I looked away, muttering softly under my breath as thoughts continued to pour into my head. Ms. Aki could be like me, and have a hard life while trying to cover up all the wounds so no one could know about it, or see the blood stains on my clothes. Or maybe it was an over night thing, she got a phone call and she became depressed? Or she was bipolar and she had forgotten to take her pills! I found myself mouthing my thoughts again so I stopped when a strong scent hit my nose.
“Everybody has their problems in life.” Mr. Osamaru said, suddenly by our table. “We all do.”
I looked up at him, my heart had skipped a beat when he spoke. “I know that.” I murmured softly while inhaling his exquisite fragrance as it lingered over me.
“Do you know what the note said?” Maki pitched in. She had stopped crying, but her eyes were still swollen, face still red, and her breathing shook unsteadily.
Mr. Osamaru shook his head, “no, I was sent here to tell the news, and replace her.” He replied then looked over at the clock, “and this class should be over soon.” He added before turning to walk away with light steps that made it impossible to hear them. No wonder why it was so quiet after the door opened, I couldn’t even hear a single footstep hit the ground. And the fact that he was tall would’ve made it possibly louder, maybe…?
“Are you going to come to the ceremony, Mayu-san?” Maki said looking at me, catching a tear before it rolled down her cheek and made the collar of her polo shirt even soggier.
I looked at her, “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask.” My friends didn’t really know how my parents behaved, nor did they know that they were foster parents. But the only thing they did know, was that I usually worked after school, so I never really had any free time to myself. Even if I did, I would be making sure to see that everything was perfect in the house so I wouldn’t get yelled at for every little thing. So let’s just say… I’m walking on eggshells when I have free time.
“I’ll come.” Ama said wiping her eyes carefully. I guessed that she had been holding back the tears so she wouldn’t ruin her makeup. Even if she did mess it up, she would re-do it after a while. It’s what’s to be expected from the three girls before me.
I had to admit, I wore make-up from time to time. But the reason wasn’t just to cover up zits or anything in that category, it was to cover up any bruises that I might get on my face that would stick out. Other than that, I usually don’t worry about it as much as the three girls that I sat with everyday.
“I will too.” Hinata nodded once then looked at me, “but if you can come, then call me, okay?” She said, staring at me with a: ‘Please-come’ look.
Those puppy dog looks never work on me. Never has, never will. Not even from Hinata who was younger than me, but then again… I was the one who looked the youngest. The thought always made me wonder if either of my parents were like that? My mom? My dad? Or maybe both? Or neither, since I could’ve inherited these traits from a grandparent. That was a possibility, yet, my foster parents never mentioned my grandparents when I asked them about my real family.
“Your mother dropped you off on the door step of the orphanage.” My foster mother would say, “she left a note saying: ‘Please take care of her’.”
I would stare at my foster parent with curious eyes as I listened; wondering why my mother would leave me like that, why would she just drop me off like a stray puppy on the sidewalk? “What about my dad?” The word felt strange on my tongue, since I would call my foster parents by their names instead of mother or father at the time.
“Oh, he never showed up anywhere, and there were no missing child reports.” She would reply, “so the orphanage keepers guessed that he was either dead, or a convict, or that he just didn’t care.”
I, as a young girl, believed them, and even now I still question if any of that was true. But even though I have doubts, I cannot prove that they are lying, unless I travel across the country to Winter Valley myself to find the orphanage I was placed and ask myself… But even if I had the chance, I would never want to return to that place again. Never, ever again.
I nodded, “okay, I will.” I replied to Hinata’s question, rolling my eyes at her expression, then looked over at Mr. Osamaru who was answering questions of the other students. As I looked at him, he looked over at me with a gleam in his eye. It looked like a gleam of amusement.
I looked away, bewildered by how he could be amused by the grieving students. Or maybe it was something else he thought was so entertaining that it showed in his green eyes, but what? I looked back over, his back was turned and he was at a different table now, answering more questions of the troubled students. I could hear that the class was going to become an uproar soon, especially when the bell rang, and everyone would be sharing thoughts about this ordeal. I could also hear my friends speaking quickly, and in low murmurs about who’d they tell, and how it was suicide; which I still had a hard time believing.
My thoughts were interrupted soon enough, by the chiming bell that silenced everyone in the room. They remained silent until the bell stopped before the conversations began to start again. The moment of silence was nice while it lasted, since all this talking would give a headache soon enough…
“See you later Mayu-chan.” Hinata patted my back softly as we walked out into the halls.
I lifted my hand and waved, “later.” I echoed her tone of voice, seeing that I was still being preoccupied by my thoughts to the point that I knew that I’d be spacing out in class today, all day. I didn’t want to hear anymore of this crisis about a suicidal teacher who went overboard. I’ve already had enough, but I would still try to come to the ceremony later today for my friends. So they’d be comforted by my presence, so they would think that I actually cared.
I took a look over my shoulder, seeing Mr. Osamaru standing outside of the classroom door. His head turned to look at me as I looked at him, again. Coincidence? I quickly looked ahead and narrowed my eyes in concentration. He’s just a teacher. I told myself, just another one of those teachers… The type of teacher that every girl in the school will think is hot, but then he’ll turn out to be the meanest… I sighed quietly, awaiting the day to come to an end so that I would return ‘home’ and start a new routine all over again the next day.
Alrighty then. I hoped everyone had enjoyed that... Eh heh, soooo I'll try not to re-start again...
I think that this should be my final one... No promises though...
Well, that is all for now, until next time mt friends!
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