Nickname(s): Demetri, Metri, Sylv, (later) Azz
RP appearance(s): The Bloody Beginning to the End (Zantarni), Demon Academy Middle School
Age: 12 in Demon school, older in BBttE
Gender: Male
Race: Daemon
Personality: He's quiet and introverted on the outside, and sometimes can be rude even. He is slow to trust, and yet easily hurt. Under this mask he hides a sweet and bashful person. He likes art and music, and his true love is reading. Later on he gets more extreme and crazy and outgoing on the outside, but stays the same on the inside.
Bio: He's always been a loner, and he says doesn't really know his past. It might be true or he might just be hiding from it.
Weapon(s): A blue and black scythe which is summonable
Abilities: Blue lighting that he can make from his hands

BBttE: Tall, has blue eyes that seem to glow at times, pale, almost bluish skin, lots of tattoos on arms, torso, and face, blue curved horns, large dark blue wings, thin blue tail, wears armor on legs and shoulders, but nothing usually on chest